Royal Wedding Dodging


Sep 6, 2010
East Yorks
If It's a nice day weather wise, I've promised to take the Kids to Dalby Forest then up the coast to Whitby to hunt for fossils.

Barn Owl

Old Age Punk
Apr 10, 2007
So you may be watching the Royal Family then? Just that I heard a while ago that there is some weird conspiracy theory that the royals were reptiles. Cant remember where I heard it from.

His Lordship, the most venerable, the most discerning, the most enlightened David Icke. :headbang:

Barn Owl

Old Age Punk
Apr 10, 2007
I'm actually looking forward to it.

They seem a nice young couple and i'd rather be lead by Queen Elizabeth than the parliament tbh.


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
Why are som many people thinking this thread is about royal dogging?? What does that say about people on this thread?? Perverts! :D

Southey - you're offended? I'm offended that we have to spend so much keeping these people safe. Let them sort their own security out. Keep the queenie safe and her heir but let the others pay for their own bodyguards. I'm also offended that we still have unelected individuals playing a part in making the laws we have to live to. However lets sort out the lords first the monarchy can come later. And get those Bishops out of the Lords first. Why on earth should they have a say when there chief and secondary rabbis and immans and Sikh or hindu or Bhuddist religious leaders don't get the same rights. I mean we are a secular society and the monarch and Prince Charles are defenders of all faiths (especially what Charlie boy wants to be known as). Also Humanists and atheists should also be represented IF the Christians are. There is plenty to be offended about but the light hearted joke mugs and sick bags taking the **** out of a wedding is the least of it. However the rifle in the tower is perhaps a little close to the knuckle. Besides the Tower of London is way too far away to get a shot in or even see the procession anyway. At least get a place near the route. Some sniper he'd make. :D


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