I'm looking at the black deadly nightshade berries that are in my garden. None of those generalisations are accurate or safe, you just have to learn what is edible and what is dangerous. The rest aren't particularly important.
I'm looking at the black deadly nightshade berries that are in my garden. None of those generalisations are accurate or safe, you just have to learn what is edible and what is dangerous. The rest aren't particularly important.
More to add:
Woody nightshade aka bittersweet - red
Green nightshade - berries usually green but can be purple sometimes
Do you want to include tomato, which occurs as a garden escape?
Dwarf elder - black
Wayfaring tree - fruit red, turning black
Wild madder - black
Privet has been mentioned, and should be in as it grows wild
Buckthorn - black
Alder buckthorn - black when ripe
Mezereon - red
Spurge laurel - black
Juneberry - black
Shallon (an established alien) - black
Prickly heath (another established alien) - berry is black, pink or white
I think cloudberry is orange at best, not red.
Already got some of these - will add the others later. Would be really helpful if you could group em by colour and mark E I or P if you know.
You need help.
If you want to help eat them, be my guest. Oetzi had a stomach full of sloes. Wild plums to him. Perfectly edible.
fuchsia magellanica is widely grown as hardy hedges, and it fruits quite prolifically.
It's edible.
used to eat the flowers as a kid, didn't know about the berries though. Cheers. The flowers are good in a salad.I always thought it was
Anything that encourages us to get out there and look and recognise and maybe forage, is a good thing
Yeah, fuchsia's are edible, kind of bland but they make good jam
Just be careful they haven't been sprayed for greenfly.