purdey [shotgun] knives........style over function?


Full Member
Jul 24, 2009
Those pocket knives look pretty good, actually. Cheaper than my BG Folding Bushy as well. A couple of those hunters look OK to me as well - the one's without the hole. Are you going to tell us who makes 'em??

Aha - is it Stuart??? If so, there won't be much wrong with them IMO.
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Ophiological Genius
Sep 3, 2004
Stu Mitchell makes the high end ones, and as you'd expect the quality is top notch and the materials used are the highest grade . The odd design is a Purdey thing though, incorporating their trademark.

The price for the SM made ones is what you'd expect after Purdey have put their mark up on them. Stu isn't going to waive his profit margins so that they can offer a lower RRP.
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Retired Member southey

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jun 4, 2006
your house!
Just as an aside, I would add a +1 for the sporting lodge for delivery and customer service, brought a few bits from them over the last couple of years and they have been top notch.


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
i'm a bit baffled here

a lot of people seem to be making a point about the price of these knifes, and i'd agree that 850 sheets for a knife is a bit on the excessive side, but scroll down the page, the third knife down is £180, i'm sure there are plenty of people on here who've paid more than £180 for a user. so why such an "anti" attitude of more or less everyone so far?

not just you at all widerbeast, that folder looks lovely (way too expensive for me though :lmao: )


I'm sure you're right there are some people here who've paid more than 185 for a user but was it a small folder? Personally I've never paid over $60 for a collector or $50 for a user (and that included shipping & taxes) I've longed for more expensive knives, even drooled over them; but never bought one. Don't think I really like most of these though I do understand why someone might want one to compliment a Purdy shotgun (do they come with a serial number matching the gun?) That would make a definite set worth collecting.
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M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
I'm a huge fan of Purdey's gear, I've been lucky enough to shoot some of their guns, though as yet, not to own one ;) What you have to remember is that Purdey is one of those superb London stores that has been around for ages making luxury goods. As such it can charge pretty much whatever it likes for anything because the type of people who buy things from the store itself wouldn't bat an eyelid at £850 trust me.

As a community we always seem very anti people charging extortionate amounts for things, and I understand why. It's because it represents consumerism and ignorance and extortion yada yada. But from a more simplistic point of view, if you ran a shop that could charge excessive amounts for its goods and gets away with it...wouldn't you? Can we really ever blame people for making money? We can scoff at how expensive stuff is and say it's ridiculous, which of course it is - that sharp is worth nowhere near that and I'd never buy it when I could buy something superior for less....

But someone will

I don't think any of us are faulting the company for asking (and getting) these prices. They're only charging what the market will bear. I think we're just a little in awe that there IS a market that will bear these prices. Browning does the same thing over here (although not at prices to match these) Their knives are good but not really any better than can be had from the top knife companies. It's just a dedication by the users of their line of guns.
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Aug 25, 2010
There are 2 distinct price ranges for the Purdey knives the lower priced range are made in India and are reasonable quality the upper range are indeed by Stuart and are very well made. Stuart does not have free reign on the design and the cutout is a Purdey trademark.
Unfortunately Purdey do not or cannot display the knives on their own website but the 'Sporting Lodge' do and also have some of Stuarts own knives. Have been a customer of Sporting Lodge for a number of years and highly recommend them.


Oct 11, 2010
Its a bit like buying designer clothes your paying for the name and if your happy with that then go for it, I would rather have some one on here make me a custom knife designed for me


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.