Powdered Egg


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
Make sure you use it according to the instructions. Don't try and cut corners by just bunging it into hot water and then trying to get rid of the lumps with the back of the spoon against the side of the billy can <ahem>!


Full Moon Man

Aug 28, 2007
I want to thank dgcalvert(Geoff) for sending me two containers of dried eggs . It is the mark of a man that if you say you will do something you back it up and do it . Yeah sure people will read this and say so what hes thanking some one in a very public way and his will go down well with Geoff and he will feel validated in a world where this dosent happen at all ,so what. Its very much more than than. Geoff s action sends out a far clearer message to the people who call thems selves bushcrafters etc . It is this , you may know less , you may have less experience , you may be doing it wrong , you may have the worst kit in the world , but sign up to bushcraft uk and you know what I ll give you a hand , Ill spend an evening writing up a review and if you read it or cant find it we will help you on the path. This site has some of the best people I have ever had the good fortune to read and interact with and It is doing a fantastic job of building a strong and educated group of outdoors people and for me to recieve by post these containers of poweredegg says so much about the kind of people that we are and the great heart that we have for our fellow travellers that I just have to say Thanks , and well done on making this site a camp fire where there is a spot for us all .

Geoff special thanks mate for doing that man IOU call it in when ever your ready.



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 9, 2008
Ubique Quo Fas Et Gloria Ducunt
My local Asda and 3 Tescos (2 of them Extras) don't stock the powdered egg- egg white but not whole egg.

However, I did try some Value sponge mix from Tesco at something like 14/18p. Throw in some raisins and it makes very respectable bannock. Try it.


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