post a picture of yourself

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
OK - for all my fans....

In Africa (which is the old croc?)

This hands down the coolest mug shot in this thread. We could make action figures from this one. Small plastic John Fennas that says "Arrr" and shakes his fist at the crocodile arms when you push a button on his belly. Wrestling ring and crocodiles sold separately.

in South Wales with a migraine


You a lot look like a pirate (who's having a laundry day) in this picture. That could also be a cool action figure. Plastic John Fennas that says "Arrr" and shakes his fist at you when you push a button on his belly. Stolen spare pirate clothing, laundrymat, wrestling ring and laundry thief sold separately.

Me (far left) & friends on an DoE expedition in the new forest as part of the support team to Claire, in the wheelchair who has ME. Fantastic 3 days enjoyed very much by all - Claire even managed to walk some of her route and we were all very proud of her.:cool:

Hey, you asked for a pic. Well, here are two - about the only ones I have of ME.

Me and a couple of the boys making the weekly run over to Chicago with a load of moonshine - and prepared for any "trouble" from obama's boys when we get there. That's me with the "chopper".

And a little ... bar-b-q ... some of boys had for a group of Texicans trying to run a herd of cattle through our range! I'm up front/right not hiding behind any mask/hood.

I can't find the one where I was out trying to romance that hardware store widow. And I've lost weight and them chin whiskers since then.

Just some of the little ... games we play to keep ourselves occupied.

Mikey - that grumpy ol' German blacksmith out in the Hinterlands
This hands down the coolest mug shot in this thread. We could make action figures from this one. Small plastic John Fennas that says "Arrr" and shakes his fist at the crocodile arms when you push a button on his belly. Wrestling ring and crocodiles sold separately.

You a lot look like a pirate (who's having a laundry day) in this picture. That could also be a cool action figure. Plastic John Fennas that says "Arrr" and shakes his fist at you when you push a button on his belly. Stolen spare pirate clothing, laundrymat, wrestling ring and laundry thief sold separately.

If you are looking for a button on my belly - you have a lot of area to search!
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Why no Action Figure of the Panto role?:confused: :cool:
My oldest son and I in the New Hampshire's(USA) White mountains this past October

My youngest son and I last year a couple of hours away from where the other picyure was taken.
Hey, you asked for a pic. Well, here are two - about the only ones I have of ME.

Me and a couple of the boys making the weekly run over to Chicago with a load of moonshine - and prepared for any "trouble" from obama's boys when we get there. That's me with the "chopper".

And a little ... bar-b-q ... some of boys had for a group of Texicans trying to run a herd of cattle through our range! I'm up front/right not hiding behind any mask/hood.

I can't find the one where I was out trying to romance that hardware store widow. And I've lost weight and them chin whiskers since the ..................

Just some of the little ... games we play to keep ourselves occupied.

Mikey - that grumpy ol' German blacksmith out in the Hinterlands

I guess black hoods are OK but I'll stick with camo to be on the safe side!

Taken New Years Day on the 1st dippers club swim. Never been so cold in my life, it was -3.
Still it did cure the mother of all hangovers!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.