A unspoken attraction to surplus and ethnic gear is being different from the mob of campers who walk into a store, plunk down money and walk out looking like a National Geographic correspondent photographing penguins mating with lots of squawking and flailing of flippers. Sometimes it's wonderful kit or you appreciate why a veteran takes one look and groans with bad memories or a blade made for chopping grasses in a Conrad novel snaps on oak. I bought some Russian Palatkas. I had to walk to a medical appointment not to be missed. Our public transport system is a joke, no rides available. It was raining and no brolly or slicker.
So I donned palatka and set out for the 80 minute walk each way. Wind came up and I was not a happy camper. Still, I was damned glad to have that thing over a wooly pully, mittens and a Basque Boina. I'm walking back, the pressure point on my shoulder was developing a wet wick the size of a pre decimal shilling and it's leaking into the sleeve. My legs are getting wet below the knee. People passing by look at me sadly ' another homeless person from substance abuse.' Finally a car pulls over and a Yemeni Imam I knew slightly pulls over smiling and drives me home.
I buy the Polish Palatka; a # 2. Set it up and my 6'2" frame says Um, I don't think so except in a emergency bivouac. I go out with my GF on a State Park guided night stroll watching owls, bats, a supermoon ( kiss kiss kiss) and I lecture on the Chumash Indians. We are 'snug as a bug' in the Polish capes. People ask if we belong to a religious order? No, we bushcraft. They smile even more confused and change the subject.
I approach my Argentine tailor about making a set even larger. He admires the pattern, smiles and suggests I spend the money on more tango lessons and a new sportsjacket in a nice tweed. I go online, buy a second #2. I can now make a 3 piece shelter with a vestibule. I look on EBAY for a swedish cookset. 12 people are battling over an original for $150 USD latest bid. It ends in 5 hours at $201.50 with a computer generated last second bid. 11 people are not happy. I check my 4 dog titanium cook set. it's still there.