Please help to protect swedish nature!

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
Abbe Osram said:
You are right mate! :(

Never mind guys, I'll check to see if this effects network users and let you know.

OK, I have checked and it does not effect network users in the same way, but you will still only get one click per machine on the network :) .

I would suggest e-mailing the link to everyone that you know that works on a networked system and get them to mail it out to everyone they know at work :)

Shame I am not working where I used to, I had access to hundreds of machines :(
bump? But its sticky? =) anyway .. klicketiklick :)

(i even tried getting it on buzz which is the #1 swedish "cool links" page and usually generates an insane ammount of traffic thanks to bored people at work, but unfortunately they did not accept it =(
Well, there it is, my last click.
There's a long way to go in just one day.
But someone may step in, in the nick of time, yet.
It would be nice to think we made a difference :)
Justin Time said:
This just in....


Because of your diligent clicking and generous donations,Årrenjarkas old growth forest has now been saved for ever!

A Click For The Forest would like to thank all of you that have made this possible, not to forget our sponsors"

YES, I just got the news in the morning papers too.
Thank you all for fighting for the old forest in Årrenjarka Sweden.

see you guys in the woods


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.