Academically, unless referring specifically to the structures of galaxies, cosmologies are how individuals, communities and cultures conceive of the creation, existence and meaning of reality. Science influences some forms of cosmology, theology, and others, for example.
Bushcraft has not been practised since mankind appeared; that is an assumption. There has never been a technologically advanced civilisation like ours, with such large-scale infrastructure, in which members choose to explore TEK. Culturally, there have been thousands of years of cultural change, such as the invention of what we now perceive as "nature" which feels intuitively universal but is, in fact, a particular cultural perception. You read your culturally informed perceptions into the accounts of others unless how their perceptions and embodied sensations are articulated. They are rarely of interest to Western anthropologists until very recently.
If you read the work of people like Tim Ingold, the field of ethnoecology (which includes, but is distinct from ethnobotany), the work of Derrida on assemblages, Soul Hunters by Willerslev and Donna Haraway's Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin with the Chthulucene, it would give some useful examples of some of the lines of enquiry taking place.
Bushcraft has been studied in isolated papers and research efforts for many years. The University of Cumbria created a dedicated pathway in 2021. It is led by Dr Fenton who ran one of the largest bushcraft companies, Woodsmoke, before gaining a Masters degree and then PhD (looking at the Ethnobotany within Bushcraft). Her fellow leader is Dr Zeo Playdon who I am convinced is a regenerative timelord. It the only explanation for the amount she has accomplished. She has also been on more wilderness trips and spent more time besides a campfire than most bushcrafters I have come across. They both know their bowdrill from their elbow
I hope I have addressed your questions, I am typing on my phone whilst I am out in the woods so apologies for any typos. The bad grammar is purely of my own effort