Open invitation arctic meet 2017

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
About to dash out the door, but I definitely want it in orange... that looks awesome!

Two Dogs, I'll sort out payment etc later on today when I get back. Will it have the same trim as pictured? I like that trim.
Ok so my Dane Dogs come today. Very good work Twodogs. Im supprised you charge so little. Posted too. Exscuse the pants pic.

Its like a tent its great. Covers most of my legs which is what i wanted for sitting round the fire.

I also got this today. Now yes it cost a lot of money. But OMG its like wearing a marshmallow. All sorted for base camp i think...😆😆😆


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3 large holdalls and hand baggage. That could be interesting. And cost a small fortune too...😲😲😲

Sent from my SM-A300FU using Tapatalk
3 large holdalls and hand baggage. That could be interesting. And cost a small fortune too...������

Sent from my SM-A300FU using Tapatalk

Do as Dave did and I'm going to do, call the airline and get an email, sporting goods go free, so my boggan is getting wound long ways into the bag with everything else stuffed inside it, if asked it a toboggan, sport stuff and it goes free :)
I have my home made pulk type or the black river one which is at my dads... i need to get out in the snow to test them both and see what i like better really.

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I have my home made pulk type or the black river one which is at my dads... i need to get out in the snow to test them both and see what i like better really.

Sent from my SM-A300FU using Tapatalk

Mine is like your Black River one, it will curl length ways into my German Army bag, so if they ask I can unzip it and they see a toboggan, all other stuff is inside and around the edges ;)
Lanny, your inbox is full to the brim.

Do you have a snow dome anywhere near you? There is one in Manchester... there are some quiet days where it'd be possible to have a wander about with a pulk.
i was mugged (no reason) quite badly with bats and wtuff and just left for a few hours. Dont know how long before ambulance found me. Can't remember anything was unconscious in hospital for 3 nights. May need eye surgery and dental surgery mmmm shoul be ok for Sweden anything before that don't know.


Looks worse than it feels. I have no answers, but might be off line for a while.

Best, Dave.
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What the... :confused:

How did that come about?

Have you got everything you need at home? And someone who can check in on you?

Blimey Dave, you don't do anything by halves do you!?! Hope you heal quickly and there are no lasting effects, even if that looks unlikely from what you've said.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.