I have several set ups when it comes to the colder stuff from hammocking and tarp set ups to lavu with stoves. I will see closer to the time and after a possible meet which shelter it may be best to use. But I have my Jervens bag and that is my emergency shelter but may get utilised if necessary for other stuff.
As said early a meet and greet would be good for us or even a pub meet to discuss stuff and have a general get together would be good to get used to every one and find out more about each other face to face. If people want to wait for a bit of a cooler time of the year for gear testing would be good as well for a meet before we go. I know a couple of places we could use. And I am sure I could ask to use one of our locations in the midlands which should be central for all?
If you want me to put some possible dates together I can.
Sounds Good TP.

I could make it down to the midlands. [We could all bring our arctic kit, so we can compare. Ill be coming from Yorkshire, so I can offer a lift to anyone who can meet me at a local train station, or is on the way down]
If anyones interested, Bopdude, Dewi, and a mate of mine from a course, are meeting at the tamarack rendevous which begins on on July 27th.
Its just a big scout camp, with stuff going on every day, that most of us will have done before, but as someone said says they are perishable skills!
Theres a really good pub within walking distance as well. Accepts dogs. Runs from Wednesday to Sunday for £50, everything included. Im taking my glampy tent,and probably a icebox full of beers in the back of the landy. Nice little area to wander about in, so long as the weathers good.
They'l be a couple of scout groups, and i think cadets, but its a huge open area, fields, so we can find our own spot.