Open invitation arctic meet 2017

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
Ok lets start a pole thingey bob. All those for flights and those for toad trip. Im swayed to the flight for ease and cost for now i think. Winter or new year trip 2018 i will drive my truck up i think.

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lannyman...the link in your signature isn't working. Always a bit curious with things knife related

Im affraid to say because of work divorce and a million other things to top it off i no longer make knives. The website has been closed so i have lost most of my pictures too....😢😢😢😢😢

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Flights it is then gents. Road trip next year. Or Canada...😆😆😆

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1. Lannyman8
2. Bop
3. Dave
4. Ash
5. TinkyPete

Road trip.


Flights are the easiest way to get there I think. Road trip later I think would be a goer. People need to get used to the conditions and the type of weather and temperatures we will be getting. When you are below zero degrees C things are different especially on how stuff works and moves.

I have know some people to love the cold and others who never want to see it again after a proper winter trip.
This is a film from Visit Lulea, but ignore that if you got some nice winter fotage

The whole flight vs road poll is a bit unnecessary, we've already established the road trip isn't possible without considerable expense and a lot of messing about... if it was a straight forward drive, fine... but its not... so we can't go by road.

So we're flying to Kiruna now?

1. Lannyman8
2. Bop
3. Dave
4. Ash
5. TinkyPete

Road trip.


Flights are the easiest way to get there I think. Road trip later I think would be a goer. People need to get used to the conditions and the type of weather and temperatures we will be getting. When you are below zero degrees C things are different especially on how stuff works and moves.

I have know some people to love the cold and others who never want to see it again after a proper winter trip.

Mind-set is all-important here. Sounds like there'll be a mix of experience and abilities. I'd recommend that, especially for the inexperienced, you don't push yourselves beyond your comfort zone, regardless of what others are doing. Take your time, have fun, learn heaps from the experienced members, be prepared with your kit for at least 10C colder than the estimated forecast, treat the cold with respect and come back in one piece:)
My kit list so far, some of it has been bought some is still to buy, thoughts please ?


Cutlery& Cooking;
Zebra 14cm Billy, frying pan, grips, KFS, Large and small folding Swedish cups, plate, bowl set, biodegradable soap, can be used on food stuffs as well, kitchen sink, microfibre drying towel. pan scrubs.
Ti-Goat Large woodburning stove.
Pocket woodburning stove.
Some sort of multi fuel burner ?

Food stuffs TBC
Spices, condiments of choice

Wash Kit in pouch.
Flannel, toothbrush and toothpaste, soap, moisturising hand cream, hand sanitizer, handy wipes pack, talcum powder, microfibre towel

First aid kit, being put together

Bag 1, German army deployment bag 900x50x50

Toboggan, roll up version with Ti-Goat stove in the middle of it for protection, Exped Synmat 9 or 12 depends on what I can get. British army bivi bag,
Therm-a-Rest Ridge Rest SOLite
Helsport Varangger 4-6 man tipi + pole
Canadian Arctic sleep system
Cheap tarp to act as a cover for both bags, to be opened at destination

Bag 2, German army deployment bag 2 900x50x50

Clothing, base layers, mid layers outer layers, = M90 Parka, Swedish army smock and trousers
Softie top and trousers
5 pairs British army wool socks. 2 pairs merino wool socks.
M39 woolen trousers with braces.
US air force N1B canvas mukluks, with two wool felt soles, felt liners, Karrimor faux fur lined leather boots.
Btitish army overboots, waterproof to fit over mukluks if needed
British army Gortex lined mittens with inners, Welding gauntlets, Swedish army leather mittens with British army wool inners x 2 pairs, wool wristties
Leather work gloves ?
Tent boots, British army balaclava. (ongoing)

Hand warmers
Samsung Note 4
Charger for camera and phone.
Spare SD cards
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We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.