There are tastier alternatives. Widely available, just not in the UK.
There are tastier alternatives. Widely available, just not in the UK.
I like Bacon Grill. I think most men of a certain age do (and a few women too)
Anyway - its getting harder to find in a tin. Tulip have started doing it in a silly plastic pot at about £1.50 for 200g. It has a much shorter shelf life in the plastic tub too.
Anyway - was in Lidl today. Their bacon grill is the same price, weighs 300g (an extra 50%) - and has a date of 2019. Thats more like it as a "standby" food. Needless to say I stocked up.
God damn awful stuff!!! Disgusting in all its guises. Barely edible for human consumption... BUT its a fantastic CHUB & BARBEL bait!!!
its a fantastic CHUB & BARBEL bait!!!
Talking of the canned pork products.....has anyone sussed out the stuff in the Polish racks in the supermarkets ? There certainly seem to be an awful lot of cans that sort of look like they're full of the bacon grill-ish.
I like bacon grill (not Ye Olde brand, its day glow pink)
Now if only midnighthound could organise a group buy for this
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God damn awful stuff!!! Disgusting in all its guises. Barely edible for human consumption... BUT its a fantastic CHUB & BARBEL bait!!!
Why on Earth would anybody want to bait a trash fish?
Well here in France I fish mostly for carp, barbel, tench, Wels catfish and Pike (occasionally) .. I release all my fish, so trash is relative. I look for sport and these species fight the hardest. On the riight gear the barbel is one of the hardest fighting freshwter fish.. and has a huge fillowing in the UK and Europe.
12lb 4oz
41lb 6oz
I caught these on boilies but both would take lucheon meat..