North Meet. Definately On. Confirm if you're interested

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Jun 28, 2005
Hey folks, I got a good idea for location. Was just up in Kielder, Northumbria staying in some of the bothies there. Was thinking that people who are less inclined to stay out in the open could stay there and we could occupy the forest... fully inclusive!
Ps. Anybody know where I can get a Karrimor Sabre 100-130 litre rucksack for less then £180?


Full Member
Sep 4, 2005
Telford, Shropshire
I would like to pencil in my interest in the Northern meet, my work committments may have the ultimate say in it...oh...and of course SHMBO. :rolleyes:

If i can make it, it will probably be for the Friday and Saturday nights only...looking forward to meeting some new friends. :)

I could arrive by around 1700hrs....when do others figure on getting there? (Mine's a three/four hour drive :( )


Jun 24, 2005
West Yorkshire
am gonna try n get there for friday.... permitting i'll stay ther until monday too.

if were doing carving etc will there be any sources for raw materials or is that gonna be another bring along?

i pruned some of my apple tree last wknd and theres a few spoons in there but it may be getting a bit dry come the end of the month......maybe i can hack off some more :naughty:

£1-2 a head for a cooked meal sounds good to me :)


May 27, 2005
Here and there
scruff said:
£1-2 a head for a cooked meal sounds good to me :)

An the scottish meet the group cooking didn't really work out well, not because people didn't bring enough ingredients they brought waaay too much :p

So if one person can be assigned to buy the ingredients and the others just pay their part of the costs it will be less wasteful.

I can volunteer to do the shopping, but I won't do the cooking or planning (my cooking is not to everyone's taste, not even my own)

And also read Waylands recent posts on etiquette etc, seeing all the chicken bones, pasta, rice, noodles etc lying in the water was not a pretty sight! And don't get me started on kids running around with burning twigs and sticks.:rant:

I'll bring some large binbags so we can sort glass, plastics and other junk immidiately.


Jun 24, 2005
West Yorkshire
well once we know the total number of attendees....or eatees so to speak we can work out a cost effective dish or dishes.

i got a couple of ideas; ham shank soup/stew or a venison stew with horse radish dumplings or a curry with rotis (aka.chapattis)??

i dont mind shopping for ingredients either


Jun 24, 2005
West Yorkshire
hmmm....dahl (wot kind?)

my girlf indian...she always tells me off if my roti's aren't 100% round. i'm sure you guys won't mind....right?

ps. sushi is seasoned rice, SASHIMI is raw fish :borgsmile >blah blah blah< (theres no icon for annoying know-it all ;) )


Need to contact Admin...
Oct 6, 2005
tyne and wear
Hi just joined the forum, so have no skills at allto offer, but could learn soo much, would like to pencil muself and the misses in please. Sounds like a wealth of knowledge will be there, might be a good idea to split into groups, ie say 10 am sat morning 3 groups
1= wood carving etc
2= flint knapping + other relevent stuff
3= what ever, then when they over the groups swap,
may be easier to learn rather tahn 24 people trying to watch someone knapping a flint, you know what i mean


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 20, 2005
Durham City, County Durham
Spoony, these meets tend to be hands on rather than a timed demonstration. I can show you how to carve a wooden spoon in about fifteen minutes, but once you get started carving your own you'll lose track of time and enevitably miss some of the other stuff. The same goes for pole lathe turning, bow making, leathercraft and archery. It seems to work best if people just do what they fancy when they fancy it. Fact is, you'll learn loads at the weekend, but you'll only cover a fraction of what's there. That's why we like having lots of meets throughout the year, in different places, so we can all pick up new skills and pass on stuff we have mastered a little bit at a time..



Need to contact Admin...
Oct 6, 2005
tyne and wear
£10 plus p+p heres a pic



running bare

Sep 28, 2005
jarrow,tyne & wear uk
hi eric and spoony. 2 questions, 1st eric did you say you wanted some flint taking to the meet? if so ive a couple of bits i picked up not sure if its any good not sure what im looking for but it looks like flint.
2nd spoony where abouts in tin & wire ru??just curious as most members seem to be from down souffff. or up in scotland :) :) :)


Sep 23, 2005
how many people are going now seems like loads. of cores the group cooking is good but i think people sould still bring enuf for them selvs to. also who whans to do what so we know how many people will wont to do which tasks or do u now think it will matter.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 20, 2005
Durham City, County Durham
Spoony, don't worry about tools. I'm bringing a workshop in the back of my van. I have enough tools for everyone to have a go at whatever they fancy. If you like what you try and want to do more, I can give you contact details of where you can get tools for yourself. I'm bringing a pole lathe and tools, a shave horse and drawknives, spoon carving knives and spoon holding jigs, leather and awls, needles and linen thread, and plenty other tools to just about make anything from wood.

I'd like to have a go at flint knapping if I have time. Going on the last two meets I attended I'll be rushed off my feet and in constant demand the whole time - I don't mind though, it's one of the reasons I love teaching this stuff. The smile on people's faces when they make something new for the fist time just lights me up inside and I float along for hours. I'm on a high for days after a meet.

As far as people stating what they want to do, I reckon we should just see who turns up and take it from there. For instance, if ten people want to make a sheath for their knife, I'll just get ten sets of needles out and ten awls and do a demo so people see what to do, then go round doing one to one when people get stuck. If only two want to do it, that's fine too.

Let's remember it's a fun weekend, and while the opportunity will be there to learn stuff, nothing is compulsory and people can chill out by the campfire and natter the whole weekend if they wish.

One thing that hasn't been mentioned though is a show and tell. For those not familiar with the term, it's a chance to show off your kit. All of us to a man (or woman) will want to have a peek at what kit you all have, how you may have modified it or what you use to do stuff that maybe it wasn't designed for. Last time people were interested in my new hammock and tarp and I put it up and took it down at least five times to show people the quick release knots I used

I'll also be bringing a swap table, so if you have any bushcrafty stuff to swap or sell bring it along and put it on the table with a note saying what you want for it.

On the subject of communal cooking, I did the communal meals on the first Scottish meet. It was fun as we had Sandbender's kitchen and Aga cooker to cook on. Because it'll be dark at about six thirty, I'd suggest a communal midday meal. We make our own breakfast and supper. I'd also suggest a total exclusion zone around the cooking area except for the chef and his helpers. I find nothing worse than trying to cook a meal over a campfire and loads of people planting themselves round the fire asking when the grub's going to be ready.

Just some thoughts.

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We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.