Next Midlands Meet

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
So have we gone firm with dates yet...

I know others have asked too, but it's the most recent :o - apologies for taking so long to post an answer :puppy_dog

Due to me nipping in and out of hospital at the moment and in the near future the next Meet will have to be on the last weekend of September (26 - 28).
I know others have asked too, but it's the most recent :o - apologies for taking so long to post an answer :puppy_dog

Due to me nipping in and out of hospital at the moment and in the near future the next Meet will have to be on the last weekend of September (26 - 28).

Now I'm doesn't take much.

Are we saying that THIS meet isn't the 12th/14th now but it is the 26th/28th?

Due to me nipping in and out of hospital at the moment and in the near future the next Meet will have to be on the last weekend of September (26 - 28).
Sorry to hear you've medical problems Decorum. Are you going to be ok with organising the meet? Because if you want help please shout, I, like a lot of other, would be more than willing to help out.

Now I'm doesn't take much.

Are we saying that THIS meet isn't the 12th/14th now but it is the 26th/28th?

Decorum had only said the 12-14 was provisional and that the 26-28 was backup if the first dates weren't convenient

Whilst trying to work around stated preferences and without checking with the site the first viable weekend in September is the 12 - 14 (with the weekend 26 - 28 as a back-up).
Sorry to hear you've medical problems Decorum. Are you going to be ok with organising the meet? Because if you want help please shout, I, like a lot of other, would be more than willing to help out.


I echo Mesquite's comments, if any help needed just give us a shout. Hope you are getting and feeling better mate. Late September meet is fine by me.:grouphug:
Hope your feeling ok decorum.

I doubt Ill be able to go to the later meet. as im starting my MA on the 29th in Sheffield, its doubtful I can fit in and be ready. we`ll see though, maybe.
Now I'm doesn't take much.

I know the feeling well :)

Are we saying that THIS meet isn't the 12th/14th now but it is the 26th/28th?


Quick(ish) explanation:
Initially the w/e of the 12 - 14 was my own preferred date; with 26 - 28 as a back-up choice. Shortly after posting the two dates, I received hospital appointments which would completely rule out the 12 - 14 weekend.

Sorry to hear you've medical problems Decorum. Are you going to be ok with organising the meet? Because if you want help please shout, I, like a lot of other, would be more than willing to help out.


I echo Mesquite's comments, if any help needed just give us a shout. Hope you are getting and feeling better mate. Late September meet is fine by me.:grouphug:

I should be fine, thanks for the offers though.
In addition to the appointments mentioned above I'm waiting to go in for an op that will keep me off my feet for a couple of weeks and I'm also waiting for an appointment to spend a week being tested to destruction in a specialist medical dept in London - the second dates will stand whether I'm able to attend or not - I'll holler if need be :beerchug: .

Hope your feeling ok decorum.

I doubt Ill be able to go to the later meet. as im starting my MA on the 29th in Sheffield, its doubtful I can fit in and be ready. we`ll see though, maybe.


Knowing that you won't be able to make the best choice to suit everyone is one of the very, very few low points of a Meet. I hope you are able to make it down, but with starting your Masters the day after it'll be quite understandable if you don't

Booked it, packed it.... you know the rest!


No particular reason to quote - except I really thought I should use these smilie's whilst I remember to
and, finally -
Seeing as we now have a date for the meet I thought we may as well start a list up to see who's going.

Just cut the list into a new PM and add your own name to the bottom;

Mesquite..... Tarp & bivi
Mesquite..... Tarp & bivi
SimonM........Tarp & Hammock (Arriving Saturday)
shaggystu (possibly+1)........tarp and bivi (possibly+1man tent)

i'll ask now whilst it's still early on. is anyone passing M1 J29 with a spare space in their car? i'm only little and really quite well behaved!
obviously i'll be more than happy to share fuel costs.


i'll ask now whilst it's still early on. is anyone passing M1 J29 with a spare space in their car? i'm only little and really quite well behaved!
obviously i'll be more than happy to share fuel costs.



I am, but cannot say if I'll have the room at present as I have others that want a lift who aren't 100 percent if they can come. If they drop out, I'll pick you up.

well If I weigh it up, I probably will be able to go, Ill book time off work for a day before and then I can prepare for my course and find out what buses I need to catch, then I can leave the weekend free :) Im up for that lift spamel, I best put my name down before you end up confused.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.