Next Midlands Meet

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
does anyone catch squirrels on a regular basis? Or am I being a bit ambitious here? I think Im developing a taste for good meat.
I say we get several small animals together, keep them alive but wounded and let the kids practice their paw swipes on them as they run away, and the throat hold of course.

Of course after dispatching the creature, a self appointed alpha male must chase them off the kill and get choice selection :)
Right folks,
Now we are all talking about food, how about doing a list of things people can bring to put in the pot ? Who's up for it ? The only thing i can see going wrong is if your names down and you don't bring what you said you'd bring !! We don't want the case of doubling up on things as i can't see us eating our way through 30kilos of spuds and 2 carrots if you get my drift.

Hopefully Woodstock is coming, and hopefully do one of his game curries again, well tasty.

Would everyone chip in so we can get some game ?

what do you all think about it ? good, bad or indifferent.

over to you guys.:D
30kilos of spuds and 2 carrots

I dunno.... that ratio sounds about right for a person who doesn't cooked carrots :D

Would everyone chip in so we can get some game ?

what do you all think about it ? good, bad or indifferent.

I say go for it and I'm happy to chip in as it was a good experience. I did olike the game curry for sure :)

The only thing I will say is that it does tie down one or 2 people for a good part of the day prepping and cooking.We'll also need a good supply of wood brought in as well so people have to be willing to do the wood gathering
I dunno.... that ratio sounds about right for a person who doesn't cooked carrots :D

The only thing I will say is that it does tie down one or 2 people for a good part of the day prepping and cooking.We'll also need a good supply of wood brought in as well so people have to be willing to do the wood gathering


yeah, i agree with you about doing the prep but what if all of us did a bit, after all, we all want to eat it when it's cooked. I don't mind doing a bit of prep work, bit like being back home in the kitchen. I don't mind doing the wood either, many a weekend when i was younger did i chop kindling in the garage for my grandparents 3 open fires, haa, the good ole days.

One thing what can't happen is the "you don't work, you don't eat" scenario, it's not what we're about is it ?

Who got the game the last time as i can't remember !

yeah, i agree with you about doing the prep but what if all of us did a bit, after all, we all want to eat it when it's cooked. I don't mind doing a bit of prep work, bit like being back home in the kitchen. I don't mind doing the wood either, many a weekend when i was younger did i chop kindling in the garage for my grandparents 3 open fires, haa, the good ole days.

One thing what can't happen is the "you don't work, you don't eat" scenario, it's not what we're about is it ?

Who got the game the last time as i can't remember !
Scrumpy organised the pigeons and (I think) the muntjac.

Woodstock had a pigeon with him too.

I'm more than happy pottering about round the campfire - was great fun building the cooking tripods last time, and preparing the pigeons was a learning experience in itself.

The beauty of a stew is that once all the ingredients are in the pot it just needs stirring and topping up with water every 10 mins. :)
if i do manage to make it to this one i can probably bring a bit of game (rabbit, squirrel, pidgeon) but can't really make any promises, they sometimes hide!

i'll quite happily chip in with cooking though as long as someone else provides a big enough pan

Well, after exhausting my supply of rabbit at the Moot, I am back out this week and have two in the freezer already. The Ratbag has a few too if I remember correctly, and we should carry on stocking up over the coming weeks. I will bring as much as I can, but cannot make any promises on how much until closer to the time for obvious reasons! As for squirrel, there really is a shortfall in the little grey b******s this year where I live. I've seen more squashed on the road then I have up trees.
This sounds good! Though I dont want to put it on woodstock or wayland to cook anything if they have had enough of the cooking, Im sure we can do it *nearly* as good ourselves if they want a rest.

As for meat , I dont live near any specialist butchers, but If people are up for it, how about I bring a whole salmon and we can thingy it beginning with a P over an open fire ? :)
Is it Panassing?
again I dont live near anywhere nice, it'd be a fish from a local mongers, probably already gutted.
Im quite happy to fetch and chop wood, I'll bring my splitting maul and trusty silky zubat. All depends if im on crutches though. I also love to cook and can bring some bunnies if were running short.
The cooking is the best bit! Sitting round the fire talking boo lochs with your mates, and smelling the sweet aroma of a fine meal in the making? I can't think of a better way to pass the time! I'll happily cut wood, stoke the fire, cook the scran, eat the scran, drink the booze and generally be a pest!

The cooking is the best bit! Sitting round the fire talking boo lochs with your mates, and smelling the sweet aroma of a fine meal in the making? I can't think of a better way to pass the time! I'll happily cut wood, stoke the fire, cook the scran, eat the scran, drink the booze and generally be a pest!


Looks like me and Maxine better turn up then Spam as were used to your boo lochs:D

looks like the food is sorted then.

Has anyone got one of those cowboy style coffee pots to put on the fire ? I have loads of ground coffee at home doing nothing and too much for me to drink, so i was wondering if you guys want to have fresh coffee all weekend ? all thats needed is something to boil it in.

It's Italian and its called Lavaza, and its nice.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.