New to Bushcraft Bulgarian Kit ideas ?

Jun 13, 2011
Near Louth
Hi Guys in about 4-6 weeks i am traveling to Bulgaria, the Rhodope Mountains to be precises and thought this was a perfect chance to branch out as it where and really get into bushcraft!

So my basic kit i intend on buying is

-Gransfors Small Forest Axe
-Mora 510
-Web Tex 50 Piece Military Survival Kit "more of a starting point for my emergency kit"

I am on some what of a budget and could use some advice on how to maximize my kit for the situation.

p.s just so i don't come across a moron this isn't all i was planing on taking this is just the core of it i want to see what you guys would suggest i take.



Full Member
Aug 13, 2007
Web Tex 50 Piece Military Survival Kit - don't bother - most of it is rubbish

do a search for '10 piece kit' eithe on here, busdhcraftusa or even google - it should show you what you need
it will also depend on how you plan to sleep ad how yu paln to carryy thestuff but it will show you the basics
Nov 29, 2004
Will you be someone's guest or are you attending a course of some kind? What are your plans while there.

I'd probably ditch the axe in favor of additional water carrying capacity, it can be quite dry around these parts at this time of year.

How is your Bulgarian? :)
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 16, 2009
In the woods if possible.
Sandbender is right, the Mora is fine. :)

Whatever you do, to survive you will need:

and possibly
Medical supplies.

The kit we take is intended to make it easier to come by these essentials. For example you may find yourself using a knife to make a shelter, and you may be very thankful for a couple of freezer bags to collect water in. But a great deal depends on the environments/situations you expect to encounter, and you've given us very little to go on. More information will help us to help you.


Full Member
Nov 6, 2008
You may want to get in touch with bgbushman1 who is based in Bulgaria and is running a school. Just to talk shop and see if he can offer some advice.

Jun 13, 2011
Near Louth
Thanks ill forget the web-tex pack its not too expensive to build one on its own.
i will be helping a friend's family to build a small ski resort near Gela.
and as far as venturing into the woods me and my friend plan to slowly venture further so go in build a small base camp a set distance in "any suggestions on how deep a small base camp should be in ?

And as far sleep i was thinking 2 either a Bivouac shelter or hammocks with Tarps overhead. we plan on taking our time but with one hell of a forest on our doorstep i want to be able to really make the most of this chance.

"!" and this isnt a plug just to best show the area and where im helping out
Jun 13, 2011
Near Louth
Ok just ordered my Mora and firesteel rather excited!

Boots anyone know of a good pair of boots that will be comfortable to stand around working in "digging holes building a wall that kinda thing" as well as good for walking through mountainous woods ?
oh and that wont break the bank ?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 16, 2009
In the woods if possible.
...any suggestions on how deep a small base camp should be in ?

In a new place I'd probably avoid making anything likely to tempt me to leave it set up, for fear that I'd miss something wonderful somewhere else.

And as far sleep i was thinking 2 either a Bivouac shelter or hammocks with Tarps overhead. we plan on taking our time but with one hell of a forest on our doorstep i want to be able to really make the most of this chance.

Your sleeping arrangements are really down to your personal preferences, although things like the ability to spot large predators from a distance might be a consideration in some areas. :)

... boots ...

In those circumstances I would probably take two pairs. I would take safety boots for working in, because a large rock on your toe can ruin several good walks in the forest. Many work boots are inexpensive but I'd hate to walk any distance in them, so maybe check out some of the ex-army kit (e.g. German para boots) in the surplus stores? OTOH I'm a boot wearer, most of the time, and not everyone is. Depending on the terrain and your preferences you might be fine with something a lot lighter than strong boots such as some of the 'sports' type footwear. The last pair I tried to do any serious distances in fell to pieces while I was up a tree in Los Angeles. Don't ask.

I like to look after my feet when I can, because then they look after me when I give them punishment -- like walking a couple of thousand miles a year with the dogs in my wellingtons.

A decent pair of boots that suits you is going to last you a long time, so it's worth, er, going the extra mile for them although I understand that you might have time pressure as well as a tight budget. I have a couple of pairs of Alt-Berg boots which are both over ten years old and recently refurbished at the factory. So they're practically as new for half what it would cost to buy a new pair, but that's still expensive compared to what you'd pay in army surplus or at one of the 'overstock outlets' or whatever they call them.

Whatever you get, make sure you have time to put them through their paces before you rely on them in Bulgaria.
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Dec 26, 2008
I bought these Max Prologic a few years back for boggy ground when fishing, I paid less than £50 at the time, good boot but they seem to have risen in price, look around.

Jun 13, 2011
Near Louth
Whatever you get, make sure you have time to put them through their paces before you rely on them in Bulgaria.
Trust me i will i live out in the middle of nowhere. thanks again guys i will probably wait off on the axe and put a bit extra into a the boots.
Thanks again guys any more suggestions are more than welcome !
Nov 29, 2004
I know the mountains and forests to the south of you quite well and to make your time there a little more enjoyable I would suggest you put some thought into how you will cope with the insect life. Lots of ants at ground level and biting insects during the night. If you are near an area with livestock then horse flies can be problem and a painfull one at that. If you can get high enough then things can be a little more bearable.

Ticks can be a serious threat, know how to deal with them and be aware of the symptoms for Lyme disease.

I used a Hennesy Hammock setup which has a sewn in insect net and sets up in minutes, these are not cheap but you do see them on eBay or the classifieds here from time to time. It may be that DD hammocks do something similar.

I found that Vilma insect repellant worked well, I think these people have it on special offer for BCUK members just now.

Make sure you know the fire alert status for when you are there, Northern Greece and Southern Bulgaria are having serious forest fires in March these days, never mind the summer months.

So in short...

Carry lots of water.
Prepare for insect attack.
Check if fires are allowed.
Have a selection of Bulgarian phrases to hand.

Have fun and post some pics on your return. :)
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Sep 10, 2010
Hi there, I live in Bulgaria and you will love it. PM me if you want my number or you need any help. You are also welcome to visit.
Jun 13, 2011
Near Louth
thanks sandbender i have had a look at them an the price isnt too bad considering it comes with the Rainfly and everything else you need to set up a small camp, and thank you spartacus, where abouts do you live in Bulgaria ? i will see how far it is could be a nice mini expedition across Bulgaria :)


Full Member
Oct 27, 2006
get your self a cheap one or two man hiking tent i had two from millets years ago they were about £30 each and they lasted around 5 years before a flung them when the poles snapped


Sep 10, 2010
Hi there, I'm in a village called Mamarchevo near Elhovo (17k) and an hours drive from Bourgas airport. You are welcome to come for a visit. Bye for now and hopefully meet you sometime.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.