Anybody that follows me on social media will probably be aware of my infamous PPE post a couple of years ago. I spend most of my time alone in my own woodland/workshop and sometimes it get's warm and there are only so many layers one can take off!
Granted, when I'm working there are areas that I need to cover because grinding sparks hurt, as do brambles; hence the need for appropriate PPE

. If it's hot then I'll dispense with the extra layers, especially if I'm working outside in the woods doing something like making charcoal, or if I'm staying out over night (having cooled down with a beer in hand) and need to fetch something, go to the loo, do a little job, etc. Of course, in the woods it doesn't actually get warm enough very often
As far as insects and things go. I've not noticed any difference in their level of attention. The horseflies, mosquitos and other bitey things are just easier to feel landing on bare skin than they are on thin clothes (that don't stop the beggers from biting), so you stand half a chance of swatting them away. I've never been a tick magnet (two in my entire life), but I suspect the same applies there: they head for warm, dark, damp places and if you are well ventilated and exposed to the sun then I suspect fewer of them would land on you?
Why do I do it? Apart from cooling down when it's hot, it's quite a freeing feeling, with the breeze on your skin and the extra tactile experience of the world around you. By that I mean that you notice everything that you brush against, for better or worse (as I say, brambles are not fun!). Then, once you decide it's too cold or it's time to go out into the real world (or to do some welding!) and you put clothes back on, it actually feels even better having the clothes on than if you had never taken them off. Kind of like an all over hug, a kind of warmth beyond just a rise in temperature.
After a while, whether alone or with others (I've only done that once whilst at uni), you soon forget about the whole clothes vs naked thing, you don't notice things like genitals any more than you notice what trousers or t-shirt somebody is wearing. Although if you REALLY want to feel naked, put your shoes on without socks! That's just odd!