A prime example why localism is a very wrong policy. This will only get worse with English community kangaroo courts. Where we have to ask is Liberty, the organisation, more important i would suggest than their normal cases. The worst oppression is legal oppression because the victim has nowhere to turn. Even in Tudor times we had the Star Chamber to curb overmighty subjects.
??? English community Kangaroo courts? Did I miss something here? When were they set up? And in a wider context, do we no longer have one man one vote? Does Parliament - consisting of people WE elected - not have the power to change laws that WE consider unacceptable? Do you not have an absolute right to set up a party and contest every seat at the next General Election? If the majority of people - or even a sizeable minority - agree with your views, they will eventually become Law.
(Oh, and if you suddenly become crazed and want to stop all future elections/democracy once you're in power so that you can become an absolute dictator, you still need Royal Assent to legally pass the enabling legislation. And the Armed Forces are ultimately loyal to the Crown, not the politicians, in such a circumstance..)