my trip to A&E

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I've had a few cuts but nothing really bad, my worst hand injury was getting my finger crushed in a compression testing machine, that hurt and had to be put back together, all good now though...

Did you manage to read the gauge to see how much pressure you resisted before failure? :D

Sent via smoke-signal from a woodland in Scotland.
I used to work in factories installing conveyor belts and I was standing on a conveyor belt and as I was leaning up and forward to tighten something above me I hooked me foot under something for balance, a pressure driven riveter.
also seen 2 people with same injury, wedding ring caught in machinery that's stripped the finger and someone trying to get a jam out of a paper cutting machine without being bothered to stop it first.
There is an impressive selection of injuries in this thread. Wonderful testiment to how good both modern medicine and the bodies healing abilities are.

The lesson you missed out: sharpen the axe, sharper tools make nicer scars...

Oh, and if you're asked in the pub what happened to your Thumb, it was wrestling a bear... or a shark... :p

Hope you feel better soon.

Ah yeah forgot to say , went back they had to repair the nail bed and took the nail up , lots of stitches and lots of pain afterwards now got to wait 4 months for the nail to regrow. yay :/.

denny 😊
Denny nails are pretty resiliant things. One they removed after me wearing overly tight rock boots tha they deliberately tried to kill off after removal came back pretty quickly. Not the prettiest thing at first but is now there in all it's glory. Good luck and heal fast.

Sent via smoke-signal from a woodland in Scotland.
Denny I would like to thank you for your honesty and openness! It's a brave bloke who posts about an abject mistake for everyone's benefit.

Credit to the nature of this forum that this has been received without loads of ridicule and "I'd never do that"

When I was a nipper my Dad took his thumb off all but a bit of skin on a bench saw. Even 40 years ago they managed to save it so I reckon you have every chance.

Dad also sliced his leg badly when he decided it would be ok to attach a circular saw blade to an electric drill to open up a floor board.

I'm no more skilled than Dad at DIY but I'm more cautious.

Get well soon and I hope your exams go well.

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Thanks everyone really helped me out with you kind words. A visit to the nurse today to redress the thing. Horrible feeling on it like someone's pressing under my nail yet another trip on Friday to redress and see if the feeling has gone :)

denny 😊
For those interested my thumb is now out of bandage, just got to keep it clean.


denny 😊
Those who handle tools are bound to injure themselves at some point - hopefully in a not to serious way. Your thumb doesn't look the prettiest now, but it will heal and end up as a scarification to show around.

Have you gotten back in the saddle with the axe?
fingers crossed ;) yeah as much as I can. funny really it's now the tool I can use safest with one hand, The day after I did it I went and finished of what I was doing because it was bugging me 😂

denny 😊
Those who handle tools are bound to injure themselves at some point - hopefully in a not to serious way. Your thumb doesn't look the prettiest now, but it will heal and end up as a scarification to show around.

Have you gotten back in the saddle with the axe?

my grandfather used to say 'a builder will bang his thumb once in a while, no matter how good he is'


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