Outstanding young sir! Has to be traditional all the way! You have some beautiful pieces there and I think I'm going to have to purchase a frost river myself!
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That's possibly the most beautiful set up I've seen. I'm converted to vintage and canvas now. Totally stunning...
By the way, did you try on the Frost River bags in a shop? If so where? I'm really interested but don't want to buy one online for that money without wearing it first...
Awesome kit as always Cameron. That double bit, man i'm jealous, I need one of them in my life.
Cam how excited are you going to be when angst makes a sheath for that double bit bad boy?!����
Sent from somewhere?
Bit of a random question but how wide are the straps that hold the blanket to the pack?
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Just a question:
Do people in general find traditional kit to be a more sensory experience?
I know I do, it's interesting to me to use it as well.
Not for me personally. The kit is secondary to the experience of being outdoors. It enables me to enjoy the experience but does not enhance it because of what it is. I can completely understand those think that way though.
That is an excellently thought out and clearly well used, developed pack. Thanks for sharing.
Well today was kit maintenance before the trip. Bit of sharpening, stropping, just the usual- something I always enjoy doing. Decided to take some nice photos, so here they are:
Lovely pictures Cameron, your tinder box is getting a lovely patina on it now. As you've asked elsewhere do folk find it a sensory and sensual experience using some of my trad kit. When I was a winter warrior thrashing my way up mountains and icefalls I could sometimes feel quite divorced from my surroundings and that wasn't the reason for me wanting to be there.
Going back to older fashioned kit has helped reconnect me to the world surrounding me. And I find it aesthetically pleasing to look at and a much more tactile experience. I feel I'm working with nature rather than trying to battle against it.
On the tinder box patina I struggle with an urge to polish it and leave it to develop it's aged appearance. (I have the copper one reather than the brass. Your leather work looks good, we all know from the "Dusters at Dawn" posting that I love burnishing my leather kit. Very satisfying and good for the gear too.