NOTE: What follows appears complex but is straight forward. If it just looks like word soup and you'd like some more direct help John, give me a ring, I'll PM you my phone number.
Windows 7 photo viewer, typically, displays the image correctly i.e. rotated 90 degrees to the right as seen in the image above. However, since you're using Windows 10 that's not a lot of use to you and from the swift Google safari I've just been on it appears that Microsoft, in their oh so finite wisdom, have decided not to allow you to choose to turn off the auto-rotation feature either in Windows Explorer or in the default image viewing software they foist on you.
Fortunately, all is not lost. There are (at least) two bits of free software available which can do this for you quite easily. GIMP (Gnu Image Manipulation Program - nothing to do with rubber masks) and Irfanview. The GIMP is probably a bit overgunned for your needs, it does a fair impersonation of Photoshop. Irfanview is pretty much spot on though and can be downloaded from here:
Installing it is as simple as downloading the file from the site above and opening it when finished.
Irfanview does have an autorotate feature, but at least you can turn it off! To do this, open Irfanview, click the OPTIONS menu option at the top, choose the Properties/Settings option, find the JPG/PCD/GIF section and click it, then uncheck the Autorotate images according the EXIF info box - which if memory serves is the second tick box from the top.
Making Irfanview the default image application for Windows 10: Click the Start button (flag of Sweden, bottom left corner) choose SETTINGS from the list, choose SYSTEM, choose DEFAULT APPS. Find the entry for Photo Viewer and click it and then choose IRFANVIEW from the list of available apps.
Now open an image which you know to be rotated - the one you sent me would be a good one. It should open in Irfanview and your image will be rotated clockwise by 90 degrees as in my last post. To rotate it left 90 press the L button on the keyboard, to rotate right press R, to flip vertically press V and to flip horizontally press H. There's a whole host of other simple image manipulation tricks you can use under the image menu option at the top.
Will PM you in a minute