Thanks for all the comments. Yes, I'm finding out that it's addictive - I'm already planning the next two.. I'll make a sheath for this one at some point but right now I'm waiting on some leather. And to be honest, I get more excited thinking about my next knife than I do about the sheath for this one.
C_Claycomb, I take your point about the thin butt, and interesting what you said about the handle shape. You're right, right now it feels very comfortable in my hand, which was why I left it that big, although lookign at the photos, the second one does seem to exaggerate it a bit - it's not a fat as it looks. It'll be interesting to see if I'm still doing them that way once I've done a few more. Thanks for the detailed comments.
Rick, it took me a while. I think it was two full days, plus four or five evenings spread out over several weeks. Here's what took longer than it should have done:
- Polishing up the blade. I went straight from filing off the black scale to 400 grit wet and dry, so it took ages to get rid of the file marks. I'd suggest using a smooth file instead of a second cut, and then starting at 120 or 180 grit.
- Cutting the tang slot. I cut it too small first time round and split the buffalo horn when I forced the tang into it, so had to start again
- Getting the tang the right thickness. The tang came wider at the tip than at the blade end, and I spent ages trying to figure out how to fit the bolster before deciding to temper the tang and then file the crap out of it until it tapered away from the blade to the tip. I should have done that straight away.