Moot 2020 Is it or is it not

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
Very sad indeed!
But beyond your control.... so I forgive you - this time! :)
You can just transfer my ticket to next years Summer Moot - bigger, better and more fun than ever!:D
As with everyone else.... Gutted. See you all at Autumn Moot, onwards and upwards.
Tony Sir, Thanks for having the strength to make the hard choice.
Sad news indeed Tony I know it will have been a sad decision to make. I am someone who falls in the vulnerable group and may have had to make the hard decision whether to attend or not. It will indeed be sad to miss the Bushmoot family gathering this summer, and I hope things improve and an Autumn Bushmoot is possible.
That's sad, but I think a wise call. It would be rather problematic if someone succumbed to the lurgy while at the moot.
Wilderness gathering is cancelled too.
There is always a later date. Better safe than sorry.
Sorry to here this, I was suppose to be going to a 4x4 show at the end of June but that has been cancelled due to covid19 it's a shame but I suppose it has to be done and hopefully all these shows and events can be re-scedualed.
It's about 9 weeks since Paddy asked if the Moot was going to happen or not and all that time we've all been crossing our fingers, alas, I think that time has run out :bluethinking:

Sorry to say this but we have to cancel this year's Summer BushMoot.

Due to the lockdown/social distancing issues that are likely to still be in place in 8 weeks and the need for everyone to have some clarity we are not able to hold the BushMoot in South Wales.

Listening to the announcement from the First Minister in Wales earlier it's obvious that even though the lockdown is easing, it's going to be a slow drawn-out process and it's highly unlikely that an event like the BushMoot will be able to take place when it's scheduled.

This is the first time in 16 years that we've not held a Summer BushMoot and it's a sad time for us and many of you that look forward to getting together with old friends and having fun doing workshops, learning new skills, relaxing and getting some great family time.

This is not the end though, we will return next year for the big Summer Moot and if the circumstances allow we may have an Autumn Moot and we'll definitely be pushing hard for the Winter Moot (aka Festival of Outdoor Cookery!!) to continue in February.

We will be contacting everyone that has paid for tickets this year to offer refunds or transfer tickets to next years event. If there are any issues in regards to tickets please get in contact via

I really think this was a very wise decision.
Just about anything and everything that I was looking forward to this summer has been cancelled,
even our outdoor community market.
You've done the right thing.
You don't need asymptomatic carriers shedding virus all over everybody else.
I have a family member doing Corona virus research and the virus shedders are the worst fear.
Sad to hear this; I'm new to the community and would have loved the opportunity to meet some of you in person, but count me in for the next one :)
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Thanks for the clarity. I think it was inevitable, let's face it running courses with a 2 meter distancing is one thing but in the naughty corner after the kraken's gone round it's next to impossible. I think the obstacles that would have to be surmounted to achieve this would've been too much. Looking forward to the next moot and hoping that as a society we manage to overcome our present difficulties.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.