Moot '07


Full Member
Oct 5, 2003
Jersey, Channel Islands
I think i remember reading that taking "swaps" is a good thing and has happened at a few of the others. However, I think there was a strict "no traders" line to it, so that people can't just sell things.

One of the regular goers / mods should know more tho.

I've got lots of swaps I could take but if i did I wouldn't have any room for my "proper" stuff! :)



Apr 24, 2006
Caldicot, South Wales
I'll be there for the second time, last year was great fun, I'll be pitching up with Ogris' tribe adding 3 of my own to it, you'll recognise our camp, it'll be a mass of huge tents and tarpaulins!!!

The swap shop sounds a nice idea, I've got a few bits and bobs to trade, if that is, i can get them in the car.........or on it for that matter.

Should be a good un, looking forward to it.

See you all there


Full Member
Nov 12, 2005
I have a couple of things to swap, stuff I’ve bought and not used, nor am I likely to use. Not sure what to do, or how to go about it. I am not getting there until Saturday, and leaving late afternoon on Monday.
Bringing my little one to her first woodland experience, I’m hoping to find a quiet spot, not to far off the beaten track, flat enough for a tent (for my girl) but with trees for a hammock.


Jan 29, 2007
Northern Doghouse
Damn!:eek: .....was gonna bring me air-rifle down t' sell.........(puts back in case) have some binoc's fer swapin' tho, so i'll pack them....:cool:

Hey Cap'n B,

here's an idea, if you cannot sell the rifle, why not stick it up in the 'for sale' page and bring it down so potential buyers can have a look at it! Your not selling it there are you? Just allowing potential customers to 'Fondle your whares'! (ooer!).

I'm going to take a small table with me. When i'm not using it for food prep, just leave things on it so as people wander around they can see what's available and if they see something they like, they can offer what they want.

As i said, i'm no trader, but if someone can use my niff naff, they might as well have it!:D
I think i remember reading that taking "swaps" is a good thing and has happened at a few of the others. However, I think there was a strict "no traders" line to it, so that people can't just sell things.

"No traders" is a very different thing to bringing items along that you wish to sell and I can't see that this can or should be stopped or frowned upon. It's one of the only times like minded folk get together each year so what is the harm in bringing items that are no longer required for sale/part exchange?

Prolly even find to enforce it would infringe upon human rights!!!!!!

A van?!

There was me worrying that I had too much because I had my 60l pack and an extra box for food. :rolleyes: :lmao:

LOL - I am bringing the Mrs and my son, 8 man Lavvu, parachute, son's bow + bits, atl-atl+darts+10 darts to make, ahhh kitchen sink, roll of lino, cuddly toy and BEER ;)

Would not have got it all in the Shogun which is the petrol V6 that likes a drop of juice - whereas my van is diesel and does double the MPG!!!

See you there mate,



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.