Middlewood "Verical Smoke" - 31/10 - 02/11/08

My 1st option is the tarp n hammock.
My 2nd option is the 2 second tent (in camo naturally).
My 3rd option is the car.
And my 4th and very wimpish option is to nip home for a kip each night.
Tough it out mate if you get to cold in the night build a fire and shiver til your warm again :)
A good tip is to eat some high calorie scran just before you go to sleep stokes up the internal fire and keeps you warm


Aug 22, 2007
I have to bow out I'm afraid, new job is taking a lot of my time at the mo' - and I was especially looking forward to the nekid mud-wrestling too ;)

Have fun folks and hopefully I'll catch up sometime soon, I'm expecting some good pics to compensate for not being able to go ;)


Full Member
Apr 21, 2008
Bremetannacum Vetenorum
Hi Simon ,

Being new to this Forum and just starting in Bushcraft I have a couple of Queries about the meet ?

Is there a lower age limit ? (Son is 11)

Would we be Ok to stop in tents (bit Kit deficient at mo)

what do we need to prove the Scout rate (2 scout leaders and 1 scout from west lancs) ?

What is the current share for the Pig roast ? :)

would we be OK to turn up for Saturday / sunday but not the Friday ?



Need to contact Admin...
Oct 18, 2007
Hi Simon ,

Being new to this Forum and just starting in Bushcraft I have a couple of Queries about the meet ?

Is there a lower age limit ? (Son is 11)

Would we be Ok to stop in tents (bit Kit deficient at mo)

what do we need to prove the Scout rate (2 scout leaders and 1 scout from west lancs) ?

What is the current share for the Pig roast ? :)

would we be OK to turn up for Saturday / sunday but not the Friday ?


Hi Bob and welcome to the forum, I think it's safe for me to answer some of your questions in Simon's absence.

No lower age limit providing they are accompanied by an adult.

Tents are fine, you won't be the only tents in the group. As for finding a level pitch, level is a relative term.

No scout rate, we all pay the same.

I think theres one trotter and a bit of tail left of the pig (joke). :) , I think there will be a lot of people chipping in on the day for a share, so the cost per share is going down all the time (just bring a couple of bags of charcoal).

Again you won't be alone in turning up on Sat and leaving on Sun.


Aug 15, 2008

Whilst visiting a customer this morning I noticed he had a fair bit of wood lying about> I offered to dispose of it for him free of charge:), if he delivered it on Friday afternoon to middlewood site. Would you check if this is ok with the camp as I think there will be a good few tonne and enough for everyone:)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 7, 2007
East Lancashire

Whilst visiting a customer this morning I noticed he had a fair bit of wood lying about> I offered to dispose of it for him free of charge:), if he delivered it on Friday afternoon to middlewood site. Would you check if this is ok with the camp as I think there will be a good few tonne and enough for everyone:)

Hi Barney,

Just spoke to the camp warden and she says "Yes please" to the better stuff but no to the other.

One of the reasons they are having a bonfiire on Saturday is to get rid of all the carp they have lying around at this time of year.

Nice gesture mate - another way of us repaying them for use of the site.:You_Rock_



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 7, 2007
East Lancashire
  • Can everyone intending to take part in the hog roast please add their name to the list at my tent ASAP so that I can work out everyones share of the cost. (Don't want to overcharge or leave Bernie out of pocket!). Remember your 2 bags of charcoal for the roast as well!
  • Can everyone please bring some change for their camp fees (£4 per person per night). You can pay me & I'll hand it over in one go!
  • Remember your pocket money for raffle tickets.
  • Remember the "Bring & Buy / Bushy Jumble sale" - bring your old unwanted gear to swap or sell on Sunday.



Full Member
Sep 4, 2005
Telford, Shropshire
I'm afraid i am not going to be able to make this meet due to other 'stuff':( I will get to one of these Middlewood gigs in the not to distant future i hope:)

Here's wishing you all an enjoyable weekend... i look forward to reading reviews and seeing photo's etc next week.

Will there be a bit of this round the campfire i wonder:1244: :1244: :1244:


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.