Thanks folks! I’ll look forward to it. Haven’t had the boat out nearly as much as I wanted this year.
We have a saveylor inflatable canoe and are considering bringing it along if that's ok?
Sarah is the Commodore of the sailing club so will keep you posted, but there is no day membership allowed to Clywedog reservoir currently so no canoeing if your not a member I'm afaid.
Hey Greg/Davy569 - Tall Trees put the above quote on the first page - I don't want to spoil your fun as you may be able to paddle elsewhere, but the Clywedog is not possible at this time. I will admit to a family tie with the sailing club - my daughter is a member - and I think it would be remiss of me if I didn't mention it and make the current situation clear.
No worries Broch, if you have permission, that's great. Not for me though, I am very much a land-lubber!Sorry Pete, but we have been told we will have limited access (probably 4). See my post earlier.
No worries Broch, if you have permission, that's great. Not for me though, I am very much a land-lubber!![]()
14th/15th September
1.Broch - Camping
2.Greg & Alison - Camping
3. BJJ - Camping
4. Tall trees - camping (wife Jayne can join in the day)
5. Pjjcarroll - camping
23rd/24th October
1. Broch +1 - Camping
2. cipherdias - camping
3. OneLifeOverland Camping*
4. BJJ -Camping
5. Soldierpmr - camping
6. Ogri the Trog - camping
7. Pjjcarroll - camping
8. Neil - Camping
9. Steve.C - camping
10. Wushuplayer- camping
I'm a total newbie and keen to learn some skills but may flake out and cancel at short notice if that's ok?
Bah! I have a 2 hour training session on the 14th!