I will be sure to hide my face in that case Petebe good to see you
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I'm wearing a mask ;-)
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I will be sure to hide my face in that case Petebe good to see you
Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
Glad to see you can have larger groups in Wales atm. Hopefully October is a goer. Enjoy the September camp, gutted I have to work.
14th/15th September
hopefully covid permitting i will be able to make this meet, not too far for me, although i will be coming in from over the border
14th/15th September
1.Broch - Camping
2.Greg & Alison - Camping
3. BJJ - Camping
4. Tall trees - camping (wife Jayne can join in the day)
5. Pjjcarroll - camping
23rd/24th October
1. Broch +1 - Camping
2. cipherdias - camping
3. OneLifeOverland Camping*
4. BJJ -Camping
5. Soldierpmr - camping
6. Ogri the Trog - camping
7. Pjjcarroll - camping
8. Neil - Camping
9. Steve.C - camping
10. Wushuplayer- camping
11. Davey569 - camping
12. TinkyPete - camping
hopefully covid permitting i will be able to make this meet, not too far for me, although i will be coming in from over the border
It looks fantastic! I’m very excited for October. I just hope the weather holds out.
That is a sweet deck and handle on the canoe - can we see more?