Mid-Wales and the Borders Inaugural Bush Camp 2020 - Important Update

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
14th/15th September

1.Broch - Camping
2.Greg & Alison - Camping
3. BJJ - Camping
4. Tall trees - camping (wife Jayne can join in the day)

23rd/24th October

Broch - Camping
cipherdias - camping
OneLifeOverland Camping*
BJJ -Camping
Soldierpmr - camping
Ogri the Trog - camping

Clearing up the listing.

Cheers Tall Trees, if it does end up being the September dates, I'll try to get up there for an hour or so, but won't be able to stay for long.
14th/15th September

1.Broch - Camping
2.Greg & Alison - Camping
3. BJJ - Camping
4. Pjjcarroll - camping

23rd/24th October

Broch - Camping
cipherdias - camping
OneLifeOverland Camping*
BJJ -Camping
Soldierpmr - camping
Pjjcarroll - camping

Thanks for the opportunity to come along
14th/15th September

1.Broch - Camping
2.Greg & Alison - Camping
3. BJJ - Camping
4. Tall trees - camping (wife Jayne can join in the day)
5. Pjjcarroll - camping

23rd/24th October

1. Broch - Camping
2. cipherdias - camping
3. OneLifeOverland Camping*
4. BJJ -Camping
5. Soldierpmr - camping
6. Ogri the Trog - camping
7. Pjjcarroll - camping
14th/15th September

1.Broch - Camping
2.Greg & Alison - Camping
3. BJJ - Camping
4. Tall trees - camping (wife Jayne can join in the day)
5. Pjjcarroll - camping

23rd/24th October

1. Broch - Camping
2. cipherdias - camping
3. OneLifeOverland Camping*
4. BJJ -Camping
5. Soldierpmr - camping
6. Ogri the Trog - camping
7. Pjjcarroll - camping
8. Neil - Camping
There has been a cancellation of one of the courses I was meant to be staffing (A "Wild Gin" course I was going to be doing a foraging bit for) so possibilities are opening up...
How late could I book on to one of these meets?
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If any of you have canoes bring them along - we will be able to access the water for a small group (max 4 at the moment) - I will be taking mine and I think there will be at least one other.

October date is now camping only as I've released the bunkhouse for Sarah to re-allocate as no-one was expressing interest in using it. We will still have access and use of the showers and toilets.
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Reactions: Forgeways
14th/15th September

1.Broch + 1 - Camping
2.Greg & Alison - Camping
3. BJJ - Camping
4. Tall trees - camping (wife Jayne can join in the day)
5. Pjjcarroll - camping

23rd/24th October

1. Broch +1 - Camping
2. cipherdias - camping
3. OneLifeOverland Camping*
4. BJJ -Camping
5. Soldierpmr - camping
6. Ogri the Trog - camping
7. Pjjcarroll - camping
8. Neil - Camping
14th/15th September

1.Broch - Camping
2.Greg & Alison - Camping
3. BJJ - Camping
4. Tall trees - camping (wife Jayne can join in the day)
5. Pjjcarroll - camping

23rd/24th October

1. Broch +1 - Camping
2. cipherdias - camping
3. OneLifeOverland Camping*
4. BJJ -Camping
5. Soldierpmr - camping
6. Ogri the Trog - camping
7. Pjjcarroll - camping
8. Neil - Camping
9. Steve.C - camping
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Hi guys, unfortunately I haven't been granted my a/l for the Wednesday of the September camp (who would work for the NHS?), so I have to cancel which is a real bummer as a bit far for just a 1nighter. My manager has signed of the Friday for the October camp so that's still a go.
Sorry again but work is barmy atm (I'm on a/l today and they still have given me a 1hr patient at 2pm I have to do)
I hope thats ok
I may be available to join in October if you guys would have me? It will all be work dependent at the moment though so a little early to commit fully.

A paddle trip sounds great, If I could bring my prospector along too?! :)
Hi guys, unfortunately I haven't been granted my a/l for the Wednesday of the September camp (who would work for the NHS?), so I have to cancel which is a real bummer as a bit far for just a 1nighter. My manager has signed of the Friday for the October camp so that's still a go.
Sorry again but work is barmy atm (I'm on a/l today and they still have given me a 1hr patient at 2pm I have to do)
I hope thats ok

No problem Paul; see you in October :)
I may be available to join in October if you guys would have me? It will all be work dependent at the moment though so a little early to commit fully.

A paddle trip sounds great, If I could bring my prospector along too?! :)

From one Dave to another the more the merrier dude!!

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We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.