Can't find any other thread to add this as relevant , so its going here.
I've been wanting to incorporate more lacto fermented things in my diet for gut health that don't feel like a chore to add to the plate. It has to be genuinely desired to be incorporated on a regular basis.
Anyway - Had a large jar of Saurkraut , had put it on the naughty step for no fault of its own - just found it hard to utilise it.
I mixed in a good handful of kimchi powder ( Gochugaru ) some time back and left it for a bit to mingle - probably not getting the same kimchi type result but it definitely helped move the saurkraut from somewhat insepid to somewhat interesting.
Put that all in a blender with garlic ,tomato paste , little sugar ,little vinegar and a avocado and now I have a very usable healthy lacto fermented ketchup/catsup. Spicy , tangy and usable - clearly easier to incorporate on my food as a condiment as opposed to a side dish/serving.
Just sharing.