Just to be sure that I don't confuse you peeps, this is "kål" or "hodekål":
In Swedish that one would be Vit kål ( white cabbage). Or less specific kål huvud ( 'head cabbage' referring to the shape) but that can aldo refer to the red cabbage.
Note that this is cabbage that can be stored for periods of time.
To make our life even more confusing / interrsting, in Sweden we have something called Färsk kål (Fresh cabbage) which is fluffier and greener and does not store well. Same veg as cabbage but picked later.
In Europe I would say Brassicas were the most important sources of Vitamins and Minerals before the South American imports.
Brand, peas and lentils were the most important sources of protein ( plus vitamins and minerals).
One Brassica I love with all my heart is Kohlrabbi. Raw, gently braised, pickled.
I am not do much a Chernobyl guy, more a Yellowstone guy.