Magic Mushrooms!!!

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Full Member
Oct 4, 2003
Sittingbourne, Kent
I have just put a picture up in my gallery of chantrelles that were picked today on a great wander up into a superb little woodland. Leon1 and Moonraker and I met up this morning and spent the day just foraging around, it was great just to get out with such great company.
The weather was great (but unbelievably mild for the end of October) and nature seems all a bit confused, some plants shedding leaves and others starting second growths.
Anyway the chantrelles were great and ended up in a nice carbonara this evening.


Sep 18, 2006
Cornwall, UK.
Hi Neil,

I found your photo, nice collection!
Im new to the world of fungi identification. I recently got my first fungi book by colins gem.

A few days ago I wacthed a video (here) that identified the "False Chantarelle".

I notice my book says Chanterelle the video says Chantarelle and you said Chantrelle. One of the first fungi I learn to identify and already I've found three different spellings for the thing! lol.

I notice you also called it "Magic Mushroom", I had no idea which fungi species people sometimes used as a drug so I looked up magic mushroom on wikipedia which told me the common magic-mushroom was the Psilocybe semilanceata. Also I looked up the False Chanterelle in my book and it said "A minority suffer from sickness and hallucinations". This is interesting to learn, so im guessing there are a few different species that have hallucinogenic properties? Also you mentioned you ate them? Do you find them hallucinogenic? Thanks for your time and help.


Full Member
Oct 4, 2003
Sittingbourne, Kent
Probably just bad spelling on my part, I have picked them many times before and they are a great tasting shroom. I only eat what I'm 100% sure of, and this is one I'm sure of.
Were'nt you guys off on a walk with a mycologist today?
How was it?


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Nice photies :D
I like false chanterelle, but I never noticed any effect other than they tasted good fried in a little olive oil and black pepper :confused:



Sep 18, 2006
Cornwall, UK.
Neil1 said:
Probably just bad spelling on my part, I have picked them many times before and they are a great tasting shroom. I only eat what I'm 100% sure of, and this is one I'm sure of.
Were'nt you guys off on a walk with a mycologist today?
How was it?
Yeah I should of been but we had a bit of a disaster and the mrs has had to steal my car for her work for three days so I couldnt go :banghead: Thats the second one I've missed. :(


Need to contact Admin...
Aug 20, 2004
Dorset & France
Neil1 said:
I have just put a picture up in my gallery of chantrelles that were picked today on a great wander up into a superb little woodland. Leon1 and Moonraker and I met up this morning and spent the day just foraging around, it was great just to get out with such great company.
The weather was great (but unbelievably mild for the end of October) and nature seems all a bit confused, some plants shedding leaves and others starting second growths.
Anyway the chantrelles were great and ended up in a nice carbonara this evening.
A great day indeed, in beautiful woodland and so much to hunt out and share notes on. The chanterelle just topped it all of, scattered on the leaf strewn floor like a pirates treasure of fat, golden doubloons. They really 'glowed' and were the most wonderful, deep egg-yolk colour. All the more impressive as they shone out in the gathering dusk.

I hope Neil doesn't mind if I post the photo here too. Any photo can't really capture their true colour but it does show how useful a hat can be, as Neil's came in really handy to gather the harvest ;) Like most chanterelle, if you find one there are often lots more hidden away close by.


Just to clarify Nightwalker, Neil used the title 'magic' to describe the magical discovery of such a lovely horde of fungi, rather than any mind altering property ;) Yes, there are reports that the False Chanterelle (Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca) can cause hallucinations and sickness in some reported cases. Roger Phillips states;
Not edible as it is known to cause alarming symptoms (hallucination) in some cases

However the False Chanterelle is from a different family of fungi to that of the 'true' Chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius) and does not share the same properties and is considered one of the top edibles. I would agree :)

Though, like Toddy, I have eaten the False Chanterelle, quite recently, and no-one reported any similar experiences. It probably highlights the way in which the effect of certain chemicals in fungi can affect some people but not others, beyond any allergic reaction and one of the reasons why, when eating wild plants, you need to eat them in small quantities first off to see how you may react. This could be because of individual tolerance (or lack of) to specimens, allergy or the numerous variables in concentration of chemicals in a non-manufactured food. And the advice on the edibility of certain fungi does change over time and even from book to book.

And the common name, correctly Chanterelle, comes directly from the French name for the fungus (also commonly called 'Girolle' in some regions), which itself comes from the Latin cantharus meaning 'cup', or goblet in French and refers to the shape of the mushroom. In the case of the chanterelle more like a golden 'grail' :)

It was also absorbing to see Leon at work with his tracking skills. I just had to watch in awe as he skilfully analysed each scarce print on a muddy puddle and explained just how each had been made and by which animal. Really fascinating.

Thanks for a truly memorable days guys :You_Rock_


May 8, 2005
Having spotted the most clever pun of a title 'Magic Mushrooms' I thought I'd pop in with a little nugget of info i learned last week. In the UK magic mushrooms were considered fair game as long as consumed fresh. They could even be sold fresh or as grow-your-own kits. It was only if you prepeared them first ie drying them, that they were classed as illegal drugs. Now the law has changed and all magic mushrooms of the psilocybe variety (not fly agairc etc) are classed as class A drugs even if fresh. So if you are into picking magic's for fun or profit you could very well face a 7 year jail term for dealing... :eek:

Good old Nanny....:cussing:
Nightwalker said:
Has anyone here ever tried the psilocybe variety of magic mushrooms then? I've never, just wondered if anyone could explain their first hand experience. :rolleyes: I went on a top fungal foray of my own today, will post up photos soon. :)

I havent taken them but i know someone who has, they told me that it was terrifying, the trees and things were comeing alive and chasing her.
but I suppose that it would have a different effect on different people.


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Oct 12, 2005
Balcombes Copse
Matthew.Passmore said:
I havent taken them but i know someone who has, they told me that it was terrifying, the trees and things were comeing alive and chasing her.
but I suppose that it would have a different effect on different people.

That sounds a little like someone who wants you to think they've consumed psilocybin.

Apparently, what you are likely to experience is a heightened awareness of your surroundings, such as purity of sound, vibrancy of colour and sharpness of detail, along with some level of distortion as synaptical communication is interrupted....

Sorry, bit off topic guys....

I can eat false chanterelles with impunity, frequently have then in omlettes, but that does not mean everyone can...

glad you had a good day. It's been a great season...


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 15, 2005
Has anyone here ever tried the psilocybe variety of magic mushrooms then? I've never, just wondered if anyone could explain their first hand experience.

Yes, I have, and no, I couldn't. There is simply no way to describe the effects of hallucinogens - sure, you can categorise the visual and auditory aspects, but all such descriptions overlook the essential matter, which is that your mind works differently.

The closest I've ever found to a good description of a hallucinogenic experience is the description of Ken Kesey's first LSD experiment in "The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test" by Tom Wolfe, but even then it probably can only remind you of an experience you've already had.

And now for the disclaimer: hallucinogens are powerful drugs which can have wildly unpredictable effects. They can be ecstatic, or they can be terrifying. Experimenting with hallucinogens will change you. And don't forget kids, they are now highly illegal.


Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 30, 2006
Nr Chester
I too have tried these in the distant past :rolleyes: and as previously explained its hard to explain the effects except comparing them to other hallucinogens. Also if you add the risk of not being able to gage a dose easily and the amount of pesticides often used where they are more commonly found they just aren’t worth the risk.
I do not think that the people who make up scare stories about drugs do the cause any good as people will always experiment and may not have a bad experience YET! The truth is allways better in my opinion yes you may not have a bad experience but you are just narrowing the odds of one.
I have done some daft things in my miss spent youth but I think this was up there in the top 10 lol

PS pinching disclaimer from gregorach as its makes perfect sense.

And now for the disclaimer: hallucinogens are powerful drugs which can have wildly unpredictable effects. They can be ecstatic, or they can be terrifying. Experimenting with hallucinogens will change you. And don't forget kids, they are now highly illegal


Dec 1, 2004
Surrey UK
I was wandering through a field last year when on a weeks bush crafting trip in Kent on my own and came across them growing out of horse sh1t, one or two per turd.
Picked about 40 up, went back to camp and made tea which tasted not brilliant but the next 6 hrs I was talking to the trees and they were talking back!!!
I think that night I really was one with nature.

I hadn't taken mushrooms since my teens some years ago and yeah it was a good experience but don't try it on your own if you have never taken them before, you can become paranoid and have a major downer and freak out.

I had no intention of taking mushrooms during my trip, the thought hadn't entered my head but when synchronicity led me to them I could not resist.

My belief is that they are natural and unless "The Creator" made a mistake they are there for us to partake.


Need to contact Admin...
Oct 12, 2005
Balcombes Copse
Call me an old fogey (and I have been there and done that) but I'm begining to worry about this thread and where it may lead. I for one would not want to encourage or condone any practice that is A. illegal, and B. (more importantly) potentially dangerous. There are many young people reading this forum and as such we should be aware of the influence (no pun intended) words can have.

I leave the rest to the mods....


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 25, 2005
Greensand Ridge
stovie said:
That sounds a little like someone who wants you to think they've consumed psilocybin.

Apparently, what you are likely to experience is a heightened awareness of your surroundings, such as purity of sound, vibrancy of colour and sharpness of detail, along with some level of distortion as synaptical communication is interrupted....

Sorry, bit off topic guys....

I can eat false chanterelles with impunity, frequently have then in omlettes, but that does not mean everyone can...

glad you had a good day. It's been a great season...

An answer to every late forty something's prayer??



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 15, 2005
Yes indeedy... The question has been answered as far as humanly possible, and I don't think this thread should continue down this road. If anyone wants to talk about the anthropological and cultural significance of mind-altering substances in various world cultures, that's a topic for another thread. I certainly don't see any benefit in recounting personal experiences in this matter.
Chantarelles are wonderful and it's been my biggest regret that for the past few years I've been busiest when they're around. Years ago I used to get them in quantity!
I've seen a lot of hospitalized kids due to eating Psilocybe. There are similar but nastier species here. The title is still good though, because freshly gathered chantarelles are magic compared to the wrapped store variety, even if those have been picked from the wild.


Full Member
Jul 18, 2004
according to this link Here it states that
The law:
The Drugs Act 2005 has changed the law so that now both fresh and prepared (e.g. dried or stewed) magic mushrooms are classified as Class A drugs. Possession can get you up to seven years in jail and an unlimited fine. Supplying someone else with magic mushrooms can get you life and an unlimited fine. if your really bored you could always look drugs act 2005

Dont get caught out!!!
this one explains the law and penalties a little better
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