It’s been a while since I shared one of my trips on here. I tend to feel they are not bushcrafty enough. This one was partly to test a new twig stove since I find the small Kelly kettles don’t really work well for me, so made it a bit more relevant.
After managing to talk time for a Friday paddle a few weeks ago I had a day spare to try this again. Friday just passed had a good paddling forecast. Sorley is sitting exams so not at school and his exam timetable had enough from space to come on the Friday so that was good enough for us.
Another excuse for this paddle was I keep promising I’ll put a video together for a video competition we have running over on SotP. I’ve included it at the bottom of the post.
Sorley was only 10 minutes late so we got to the iron cross launch site just before 10am. With it being a school day we were the only people there. We didn’t see anyone else on the water all day. Must try more of these during the week paddles.

There was a thin rain / mist when we launched. Still we could not complain as the water was mirror calm. We headed toward the castle island. Keeping the narrows for later in case the wind picked up later.

Calling it “castle island” may have built up a bit much expectation for Sorley. It is hard to imagine this had an impressive castle on it.

Quick group photo before we headed on to find a good brew stop.

Further up the loch we landed on the shore to have first lunch.

Another one of todays “chores” was to test out a new twig stove. It worked a lot better for us than the tiny gillie kettle. Sorley, of a course, as a teenager is just happy to be burning stuff.

Or be eating stuff, although he is not really up to standard on this as he fills up pretty quick. Archie, his dog, though is one of us.

Marlow and Georgie had a bit of a paddle to cool off their feet after a mad running about session.

Suitably refuelled we headed down to the narrows.

The sun was out now and still no wind.

We were experimenting with different camera placements etc for filming so forgot to take any pictures doing the whole part of the day where we went down the river and back up. You’ll see it on the video for sure though. Once back out we had just enough time for a late lunch so again Sorley got to burn stuff while the dogs had a run about.

I managed to wrangle the dogs into one spot for a photo before we launched again.

I still can’t believe how calm we got it all day.

The dogs are still practicing for that big fashion shoot.

Finally it was time for the short paddle back to the car.

We got back to the iron cross about 4pm. Another great days paddle. I could get to enjoy these Friday paddles
. As promised, here is the video.
After managing to talk time for a Friday paddle a few weeks ago I had a day spare to try this again. Friday just passed had a good paddling forecast. Sorley is sitting exams so not at school and his exam timetable had enough from space to come on the Friday so that was good enough for us.
Another excuse for this paddle was I keep promising I’ll put a video together for a video competition we have running over on SotP. I’ve included it at the bottom of the post.
Sorley was only 10 minutes late so we got to the iron cross launch site just before 10am. With it being a school day we were the only people there. We didn’t see anyone else on the water all day. Must try more of these during the week paddles.

There was a thin rain / mist when we launched. Still we could not complain as the water was mirror calm. We headed toward the castle island. Keeping the narrows for later in case the wind picked up later.

Calling it “castle island” may have built up a bit much expectation for Sorley. It is hard to imagine this had an impressive castle on it.

Quick group photo before we headed on to find a good brew stop.

Further up the loch we landed on the shore to have first lunch.

Another one of todays “chores” was to test out a new twig stove. It worked a lot better for us than the tiny gillie kettle. Sorley, of a course, as a teenager is just happy to be burning stuff.

Or be eating stuff, although he is not really up to standard on this as he fills up pretty quick. Archie, his dog, though is one of us.

Marlow and Georgie had a bit of a paddle to cool off their feet after a mad running about session.

Suitably refuelled we headed down to the narrows.

The sun was out now and still no wind.

We were experimenting with different camera placements etc for filming so forgot to take any pictures doing the whole part of the day where we went down the river and back up. You’ll see it on the video for sure though. Once back out we had just enough time for a late lunch so again Sorley got to burn stuff while the dogs had a run about.

I managed to wrangle the dogs into one spot for a photo before we launched again.

I still can’t believe how calm we got it all day.

The dogs are still practicing for that big fashion shoot.

Finally it was time for the short paddle back to the car.

We got back to the iron cross about 4pm. Another great days paddle. I could get to enjoy these Friday paddles