
Retired Member southey

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jun 4, 2006
your house!
Hmmm why is everyone being so agressive towards this chaps point of view? I did this and got an infraction, I think we all need to go have a cuppa. So chap about the list of foods and bits, still really interested to read it.


Mar 30, 2011
Athens, Greece
once again you say things when you don't know the facts. I don't need to share this with you but I will. I was left a house at the end of last year and am making do with what I have for the next 10 years( I think). do you see what I mean about not assuming?

In all honesty, all sarcasm aside i really do wish you the best.
I think it's fantastic that a few do have the balls to follow their dreams.

I'm also very very happy with my personal choices, and i'm even happier than more people do not choose to live like you.

It's not just what money you use to live, we all know that we can find enough cash in hand type work to earn enough to live a very simple life.
It's the fact that to me it seems as though you are not contributing financially to society by paying taxes, national insurance etc, yet if the earlier post is true you happily receive the services offered by us that do pay for these service weekly out of our earnings.

If you do receive a regular income and pay taxes and nat ins on it, then i do apologise for jumping to the wrong conclusion.
The impression i have though from your posts so far is that you don't.
Nov 29, 2004
"...I have answered your questions..."

No, you haven't, however you have looked at this thread over the weekend.
After having made such a contentious original post to have then have sat back and watched the thread grow without answering or contributing makes you come across as a troll, which may be the case, or may not.

"...So chap about the list of foods and bits, still really interested to read it..."

Me too. :)
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Mar 30, 2011
Athens, Greece
Hmmm why is everyone being so agressive towards this chaps point of view? I did this and got an infraction, I think we all need to go have a cuppa. So chap about the list of foods and bits, still really interested to read it.

I reread my post as saw it did come off a bit blunt so i apologise for that.

What angers me though is that the op has come here, judged the majority of it's members, yet offers nothing what-so-ever to society.
Not only that, he is not even willing to share his experiences and knowledge with us here.

That's why i used the term leech as from what i've seen so far it seems as though the op lives a 100% selfish existence, living off other peoples knowledge and experience and coming back to civilisation when he needs medical care that he has not contributed to.

As i said above if that makes him happy all the power to him, i'll happily pay a few quid each week if it means 1 in a million of us can live their dreams.

BUT to then come on and judge those of us that pay for his medical care, internet forums, electricity, communication systems etc etc is just taking the **** a bit IMO.


Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 12, 2011
I did Chainsaw carving for a living a while back now.
I had an op on my knee but am recovered now.
I am from South Wales but move around.
The house was sold. But I own a house.
I have answered your questions but feel that is nothing to do with the topic.
Stalker is it?

Not at all, just wanted to establish the facts as I don't want to make assumptions.

But what you're doing is the equivalent of saying.

"hey everyone, I have superpowers" then refusing to show them because you don't need to. What's the point of even mentioning it if you wont discuss it?

Otherwise leave us weekend campers alone.


Dec 29, 2011
Not at all, just wanted to establish the facts as I don't want to make assumptions.

But what you're doing is the equivalent of saying.

"hey everyone, I have superpowers" then refusing to show them because you don't need to. What's the point of even mentioning it if you wont discuss it?

Otherwise leave us weekend campers alone.

I'm off to enjoy the evening with my sisters children on a walk now. think what you may and draw what you will from this thread. good luck to you all. apt.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 24, 2009
West Midlands UK
"I am back at home after six weeks walking and living as, I feel, life should be."
Bushcraft can let us reconnect with the world around us and some of it can be brought in to enrich our daily lives, I for one enjoy the 21st century and feel privileged to be able to take the best from the stone age, the iron age and the information age to build a balanced life.

very well put





Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I see by the tone of this thread thus far that I have hit upon a nerve. I also see some people have also put words in to my mouth that were never intended in my post. I feel as if most people on this site can not take on any opposition to their points of view, this saddens me. I will be leaving in the morning for a time away, alone (Scotland). I wish everyone all the best in their bushcraft and in life all around.

You know absolutly nothing about most people on this site. Your holier than thou attitude has made you look like a fool that knows very little. Wisdom never needs to boast, knowledge never needs to belittle another, and modesty can hide them both.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Well if he's coming to Scotland I hope he's got his waterproofs and midgie net :sigh:
It's pouring again :rolleyes: and the midgies are 5x as numerous this year compared to the average.

On t'other hand, the woods are quiet :D



Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 12, 2011
oh pm me your addy, and you can try out a tester of the natural repelant I made if you want.

If you want a true test then I'm like a walking dinner gong to the things... When I pitched camp in south wales I stop counting at 32 bites. If your stuff works I'd gladly pay.

Off topic but then this thread could do with a better subject anyway.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
If you want a true test then I'm like a walking dinner gong to the things... When I pitched camp in south wales I stop counting at 32 bites. If your stuff works I'd gladly pay.

Off topic but then this thread could do with a better subject anyway.

I live in south wales and I weeded my veg patch between for 2 hours one evening and got one bite. Generally it would be unbareable. It will be a tester size and you will have to put honest review on how good/rubbish it is. PM your address and i will post a tester out for free.


Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 12, 2011
I live in south wales and I weeded my veg patch between for 2 hours one evening and got one bite. Generally it would be unbareable. It will be a tester size and you will have to put honest review on how good/rubbish it is. PM your address and i will post a tester out for free.

Pm sent, many thanks!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 13, 2009
Oh well living off the land means different things to different people, and then again I suppose it is a question of whose land it is anyway. I have never claimed to be a "bushcrafter" as such, it is just that I like being outdoors and I do not like to follow the crowd. These days I am eating happily off my allotment, never mind the predations of the slugs. (I guess I should eat the slugs and then I would be hardcore) I have just frozen the last of my broad beans. Oh dear, if the power goes I am doomed I tell you, doomed ....... There are probably enough rats down there for a meal or two, or I could do as the Gaucho's do and escape over the fence and carve a steak or two out of the farmers cows, never mind barbecues are not allowed under the rules.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.