Is there anyone out there or Berkshire?



Hi people!

Im interested in meeting up with groups of bushcrafters in my area (Slough, Windsor, Maidenhead etc).

I have basic knowledge of what and what not to do, have spent a few nights out in the wild after making a shelter, lighting a fire (with help of a spark stick), catching food by fishing, shooting (air rifle) and berries and fruit. Have also gutted and skinned a deer (road kill).

All this was ages ago and I feel the need to get back into it.

So, are there groups / individuals / loners close to where I live who would be interested in meeting up, teaching me a few tips and tricks, going out and getting wild?

Also need to get some kit up together, so a bit of advice and help would be gratefully welcomed!

~I successfully made a yukon stove (but looking online, it wasnt a yukon stove, it was a hole in the ground, with a funny chimney thing that recirculated the smoke (which is unburnt fuel).~


Jul 19, 2005
Hamilton, lanarkshire
Hi there,
i'm sure that there are a few people here from your neck of the wood's. I'm down in Reading often as my wife visits her sister down there ( i live in Glasgow). I should be heading down next month sometime and could maybe arange to meet up with you if nobody has stepped forward, which I doubt. :)



that sounds great! I'm off out over the next few weeks gathering kit and tools I know (at least I think I know) I'll need.
Good pair of boots (always used to wear Merrells or Salomons),
Some half decent clothes including trousers, coats, hats, socks,
I have an alrightish backpack, so should be ok on that front,
Sleep mat,
Bivvy bag,
Sleeping bag.

(things I know I will need, but will buy after I've got my hands dirty and think "Ahhh! - I could really do with one of them right now", include: Knife or knives, axe, first aid kit, bottles, pots, pans, stuff to make fire)

Couple of questions though;
Anything Ive missed off the list you think I might need?
What do you recommend?
Whats the usual plan for your meets?
How long do they go on for?

Looking forward to it!



Need to contact Admin...
Dec 28, 2003
Oxford/Gloucs border
Hello mate,
Jason Sears and me good self have landowners persmission for use of a wood just outside High Wycombe. We have informal weekend bushcraft sessions a couple of times a month - this will become more organised as I am just starting a bushcraft instructors course and want to get experience organising and running bushcraft courses. Best idea is to give Jason or myself a bell - pm either of us if you are interested. Oh, and if you come over make sure not to sleep near Jason 'cos he snores (and farts) loudly in his sleep. Best Wishes Aaron


Aaron said:
Hello mate,
Jason Sears and me good self have landowners persmission for use of a wood just outside High Wycombe. We have informal weekend bushcraft sessions a couple of times a month - this will become more organised as I am just starting a bushcraft instructors course and want to get experience organising and running bushcraft courses. Best idea is to give Jason or myself a bell - pm either of us if you are interested. Oh, and if you come over make sure not to sleep near Jason 'cos he snores (and farts) loudly in his sleep. Best Wishes Aaron
cheers for the heads-up mate - Ive been in touch with Jason already and hopefully we'll be meeting up for a chin-wag very soon (another excuse for a crafty beer me thinks). I expect I'll meet you very soon too mate; looking forward to getting some skills under my belt, picking up a ton of hints and tips and meeting what seems to be a sound(ish) bunch of guys.
Have you heard the Lofty-Wiseman solution to stop your mates snoring?


Tribes :1244:


jamesoconnor said:
Hi there,
i'm sure that there are a few people here from your neck of the wood's. I'm down in Reading often as my wife visits her sister down there ( i live in Glasgow). I should be heading down next month sometime and could maybe arange to meet up with you if nobody has stepped forward, which I doubt. :)


Cheers James,
Im sure we'll bump into each other in the future!

Tribes :1244:


Need to contact Admin...
Dec 28, 2003
Oxford/Gloucs border
Tribaljamin said:
cheers for the heads-up mate - Ive been in touch with Jason already and hopefully we'll be meeting up for a chin-wag very soon (another excuse for a crafty beer me thinks). I expect I'll meet you very soon too mate; looking forward to getting some skills under my belt, picking up a ton of hints and tips and meeting what seems to be a sound(ish) bunch of guys.
Have you heard the Lofty-Wiseman solution to stop your mates snoring?


Tribes :1244:

Whats that then? Stick a hexamine block up each nostril and a claymore mine down their throat? :AR15firin


Not sure when mate, Jason said something about being busy for the next few weeks, something to do with a wedding - poor bugger.

Are you one of the regulars with Jason?

Lofty said, if youre out with a bunch of blokes and 1 of them snores alot, get up in the middle of the night and snog him. He'll stay away all night to make sure you dont snog him again, thereby stopping him snoring. - Not one of the 'normal' ways I spose.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.