Is the countryside boring?

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Gods I wish more of them were bored.

The "urban chic" are pointless wastes of air who appear to be on a mission to spread litter, noise, traffic accidents, bad politics, the desire for everything to be "cheap", have "choice" want it "now".

They complain about everything that makes the countryside the countryside.

If the concrete wastelands are so much better, please, dear Gods please, will they stay there and rot in lifeless neon lit worthless monstrosity they call home?


British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
And you know whaqt else...pseudo country dwellers.......

People who think gas fired Aga's make sense.....

People who think farms should be neatly manicured and maintained as free leisure parks.......

People who think country pubs should be bleeding fancy wine bars rather than serving a good pint and a top pasty
"eeau.. don't you have any tapas?"

Poeple who earn a bleeding fortune and bitch that the village shop costs more than Sainsbury's

People who think country blokes should be some form of caricature working class opressed rather than blokes who choose to be there who quite like shooting, fishing and drinking.

Most of all....Dear Gods most of all.....townies who move to the country and then decide to

a) Tell country dwellers how they have got it wrong for the last thousand years
b) Expect us to put up with rude ways when they are snippy in the shop, pub or post office
c) Forget that we don't care if they are in a rush because to us, passing the time of day with a neighbour is much more important than their meeting.

Nov 29, 2004
And you know whaqt else...pseudo country dwellers

We have a lot of old folks living in the countryside around these parts who for the past eighty years or so have kept pigs, goats and hens in their back garden. Sadly as their friends and neighbors die off wealthy townies buy up the property to use as holiday homes, they; unhappy with the noise and small, then petition the council to pass changes to local laws prohibiting the keeping of farm animals within the village.

These oldsters rely on those animals to make ends meet, its sad really.



Full Member
Mar 31, 2004
Norfolk U.K.
Complaining about the smell of the pig farm that's been there for generations.

Complaining about the noise of the tractors "early in the morning".

Getting the village blacksmith shut down for excessive noise.

Et bloody cetera.:(
Nov 29, 2004
This is a link to a short piece (four minutes) from Radio 4's 'Today' program, which reports that...

"Nervous parents are making the countryside "out of bounds" for their children, a survey has suggested. Reporter Sanchia Berg visits one primary school to speak to children about their experience of the countryside. Tom Hodgkinson, editor of magazine The Idler, discusses if the idea of play is being taken out of childhood."

One child wouldn't want to climb trees "in case he was poisoned".



Mar 11, 2009
Ashdown Forest
People who park their shiney, spotless, never been off road 4x4s in the access only lane outside the village bakery, blocking all residents in, and then take 3 hours explaining to me that they "can't" eat wheat, gluten, dairy, sugar or yeast. Because their "kenesiologist" tld them so... GET OUT OF THE BAKERY THEN! Oh and if tesco's is so much cheaper, go there.


Full Member
Mar 31, 2004
Norfolk U.K.
A lot of them bring their groceries with them for the weekend.

Mind you, they often have to, because the village shops close because of all the holiday homes being empty most of the time.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 25, 2005
Greensand Ridge
People who park their shiney, spotless, never been off road 4x4s in the access only lane outside the village bakery, blocking all residents in, and then take 3 hours explaining to me that they "can't" eat wheat, gluten, dairy, sugar or yeast. Because their "kenesiologist" tld them so... GET OUT OF THE BAKERY THEN! Oh and if tesco's is so much cheaper, go there.

Do you have an licence for that sharps? It certainly strikes me as being greater than the legal strength.:nutkick: And as for engagement mechanism!

Nice one and with more sting than a Box Jelly Fish!

I just love this bland-free website!



Sep 27, 2007
Its an interesting question.
Especially when viewed by people who do know the ‘true value’ of the countryside.
If people who do not subscribe to the values of: responsible access, taking home their litter and not blaring loud dance music etc, find the countryside boring then is it such a bad thing that they see no need be there and ‘ruin‘ it for others?
On the other hand, is this an elitist perspective which can be traced back to the writings of William Wordsworth who suggest that those who do no understand the true value of the countryside should not be permitted into it?
Just a wee something to get the mind wheels turning…dismounting from high horse!

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Aha kindred spirits!

Right - top twenty hanging offenses for townies!

1) Anyone who buys something because its "authentic" (rather than because it works)
2) Anyone who moans about prices in a country shop
3) Anyone who seeks to escape cities and then moans about lack of amenities
4) Anyone who makes that "eau" noise like (eau de cologne) as in "eau really?"
5) Anyone who refers to the country as "restful" cos they just doss about there
6) Anyone who complains about the sound / smell/ look of a farm that actually has to work for a living (or about people keeping / killing animals)
7) That utter t***er who actually walked into the Drovers and addressed my mate behind the bar as "oi say...barkeep....."

.....any more? :)


Mar 11, 2009
Ashdown Forest
People who moan when they can't use their credit card for a £1.65 purchase at the villlage shop, so go elsewhere, and then look shocked when the bloody thing closes... "Oh what a shame! It was so... twee..."


Dec 3, 2008
Bruxelles, Belgium
5) Anyone who refers to the country as "restful" cos they just doss about there

You leave us dossers out of it! We'll doss where we like and when we like - and we do.:)

The country is restful. Hang me!

About the age of 20 I was rowing on a finnish lake listening to a noise I had never heard in my whole life - silence. Not a plane, nor a train, nor a car.

But there's one type of countryside, and there's another type of countryside - and there again there's Disneyland and Theme Parks.

But no good comes from just moaning and bickering. If the people in a village don't grab control of their village - they can't blame those who do.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.