Intellectual betterment.


Jul 19, 2011
i know the film nearly mentioned jim sturgess and kevin spacey in an earlier post, its the bane of my life, i must get asked if i've seen it at least twice everytime i croupier, that or somebody saying 10 minutes to wapner,

i'm sorry if i offended you though, i have been at home all day and up all night with an 8 month old whos poorly, infact her mum keeps saying her glands are up, but i dont know if thats even possible at that age, but either way 18 hours of pretty much non stop crying takes its toll


Jun 3, 2011
That is the most base form of adding and subtraction. Mathematics is by far more accurate and advanced than simple kindergarten sums like that. I certainly wouldn't want to play with you at cards as you would be cleaned out within minutes. Try sequence reaction and post chaotic theorem with random chaos theorem v predictive sequencing and known relative and I will let you play.

Marvellous, if you can't stand the rigour, then blast someone with ludicrous, meaningless words that bring on the illusion of knowledge and terrify the opposition. How can you seriously suggest that Mathematics is more accurate than sums? If I take away 2 from 2 using a sum I get 0, if I use mathematics what do I get then? x + -y = k ? I do like discussions of this nature. You should have been a writer, not a mathematician.

Oh, you haven't factored in (which surprises me really) the individuals ability to cope with the stress of playing a game for a large sum of money, and that individuals reaction to the stress of such a situation. The decisions people make when under stress are hugely different to those they make when they are not stressed, similarly, your ability to always win at cards will be adversely effected if it was for your house. If you don't believe me, then look up all the many experienced woodsmen, survival experts and Special Forces types who make decisions that kill them when the stress piles on.

Well I am so sorry, being an "occasional croupier at a local hotel" must make you far more qualified than me at mathematics. So I bow to your far superior knowledge and intellect.

Crikey, that's aggressive!

Jonathan has said that there are "very few people worldwide" who can do the sort of stunts with numbers that you can do. So how is it that there is no sign of you on any manner of Google searches? Are you working undercover as a computer scientist for MI6 or in Budgens or something?


Ophiological Genius
Sep 3, 2004
Jonathan has said that there are "very few people worldwide" who can do the sort of stunts with numbers that you can do. So how is it that there is no sign of you on any manner of Google searches? Are you working undercover as a computer scientist for MI6 or in Budgens or something?

She is actually in quite a few internet articles and published papers, she didn't always have my name. Luckily she doesn't go on too many forums, and to quite honest, thank God she doesn't or I'd be sorting stuff like this out everyday. Very few people worldwide are gifted at mathematics and gain A levels before they hit 15, she did. How many people do you know like that?

Now lets drop this as I managed to get rid of her last night and an apology was sent to Billybob so everything is OK. Problem with rattlesnakes that are unwell and tired is if you poke them, they bite without too much provocation. When they get like that, it's best to ignore them.
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Jun 3, 2011
She is actually in quite a few internet articles and published papers, she didn't always have my name. Luckily she doesn't go on too many forums, and to quite honest, thank God she doesn't or I'd be sorting stuff like this out everyday. Very few people worldwide are gifted at mathematics and gain A levels before they hit 15, she did. How many people do you know like that?

Now lets drop this as I managed to get rid of her last night and an apology was sent to Billybob so everything is OK. Problem with rattlesnakes that are unwell and tired is if you poke them, they bite without too much provocation. When they get like that, it's best to ignore them.

What is there to sort out, honestly?

I was only surprised that if she is that gifted at maths, one of only a handful in the whole world, that she is not more readily accessible, that's all. As for there not being many gifted maths scholars in the world, well, that's not true, it seems every other school produces an A level maths superstar, look at this lot! Some of them were only 9! Which, although, as we have established that I am no maths whizz, seems quite a low number age wise.

Ruth Lawrence in particular, she was only 9 when she got her Pure Maths A level, grade A.

Now, I am not impugning Emmas intellect at all, for heavens sake I was in the Army at 16 and could just about figure out where to put the decimal point in 7.62, just that coming on here, being very aggressive does rather open one up to being to being questioned doesn't it?

Now, I think I will go and have 568.261 cm³ of beer.


Ophiological Genius
Sep 3, 2004
I didn't say 'handful', I said 'very few'. And it's true. Without bragging (well maybe just a tad), I have an IQ which is in the top 1% worldwide (although it really is wasted on me as I'm far too intellectually lazy). That is lower than Emms was at 15, so yes, it does put her in the 'very few' category.

It's a nice list you made there. Not exactly thousands of them are there.

She has huge flaws in other areas though, tolerance and diplomacy being two.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 9, 2005
I heard that above 140 an IQ isn't really worth counting. I've also met people with brains the size of planets that couldn't string a sentence together in front of groups of more than 2 people or people of the opposite sex.

back on topic, I missed the show although I might try and catch it on Iplayer - It sounds interesting. I've still to find a mathematician or watch a TV program that can convince me that looking at the world as an equation is more interesting than the bigger picture and real life, it's just not my thing. I am an ecologist (sort of) so I am naturally interested in Chaos Theory and would like to understand the real maths behind it a bit more.


Nov 11, 2008
Virginia, USA
I have seen the documentary where the gifted Ivy League mathematics students went to Las Vegas and "cleaned house" in the casinos. The documentary was fascinating and bears out exactly what Mrs. D is saying. I know very little about cards and even less about mathematics, as I struggled all the way through Uni, in mathematics, just getting by. I am just a mere struggling mortal.

To very loosely tie this to the gifted professor example of the OP, I do find Dr. Stephen Hawking and his writings extremely fascinating, quantum physics, black holes and such. I find it amazing that the theroies are proven and disproven through mathematics. For me, it is abstract stuff, because of the higher mathematics involved.

She has huge flaws in other areas though, tolerance and diplomacy being two.

Here is an attempt at humor, not meant to offend Mrs. D or Jon, at all...

"Rain Woman" comes to mind. Here is looking at you Mrs. D :D



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 6, 2008
South Queensferry
I have an IQ --snip-- although it really is wasted on me as I'm far too intellectually lazy

I'm exactly the same, but my thing is for languages which I find easy, this is balanced by the fact that I can do maths to an atrociously bad level in all of them.

If it weren't for my modesty I'd describe myself as a genius. My son prefers to describe me as an idiot savant...

She has huge flaws in other areas though, tolerance and diplomacy being two.

Keep digging...

We'll shovel the earth over you when the plans for the patio have been finalised.

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Ophiological Genius
Sep 3, 2004
I'm exactly the same, but my thing is for languages which I find easy, this is balanced by the fact that I can do maths to an atrociously bad level in all of them.

If it weren't for my modesty I'd describe myself as a genius. My son prefers to describe me as an idiot savant...

Keep digging...

We'll shovel the earth over you when the plans for the patio have been finalised.


Git!!! .


Jul 19, 2011
i am a lot like that, i failed miserable at school cause i never bothered, i am technically clever, but if i cant get myself interested in something, i just wont, thats why i never concentrated at school, and gave up on trying to be an architect, i would have been sacked instantly, i'd find it impossible to design the buildings i'm supposed to cause i'd be trying to design my guggenhiem, i like to think that i'm to clever to be stupid, but to stupid to be clever

i'm good at iq tests tho, i find i can answer the questions quick enough to not lose interest in them, if that makes sense
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Jun 3, 2011
I didn't say 'handful', I said 'very few'. And it's true. Without bragging (well maybe just a tad), I have an IQ which is in the top 1% worldwide (although it really is wasted on me as I'm far too intellectually lazy). That is lower than Emms was at 15, so yes, it does put her in the 'very few' category.

It's a nice list you made there. Not exactly thousands of them are there.

She has huge flaws in other areas though, tolerance and diplomacy being two.

They are only the British ones since 2007, apart from Ruth Lawrence obviously. If you really want to see scary maths geniuses, Google Maths Olympiad! There are some kids on there who would lose Professor Marcus De Sauto, maybe even Emma, in their work. 1200 from the UK alone!

As for your claim to have an IQ in the top 1% of the tested planet, which test did you use to gain that statistic?

I tell you, that programme last night opened up a whole new world for me! I had no idea all these events and such like went on. I'd have them in an orinteering event though:lmao:


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