any chance of a reference or two to support those statements? i know nothing about the human endocrine system (not even what it is), but i'm interested to learn about how the law(s?) of thermodynamics can be over-ruled by it
As a very very rough pointer, food isn't fuel, until you make it into fuel which requires firstly digestion and secondly chemical conversion into something the body can use as fuel.
Firstly if it isn't digested properly it's not avialable for conversion in the first place.
Secondly the same amount of calories in different forms may result in different yields because the conversion is different.
The laws of thermodynamics may apply but there's a lot going on before the point you can apply them.
"You don't have to be fat to be un-fit" - a very good anecdote that it doesn't really matter how heavy you are as long as you regularly get challenging exercise and keep yourself in as fit as shape as possible
True. At 6'0" and 60kg I eat like a horse and can't run the length of myself.
On the inverse I'd day Samo Hung is pretty isn't exactly slimline and seems to be in very good shape.