I like Hammocks.

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010

It lives down the bottom of the garden,

behind the trampoline with the tarp and cammo netting on it so they can use it in the winter,

Under the tree.

When he goes missing, I quite often forget to go look there.

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
Took me a while to find him this time too.


No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
Wooden hut, on wooden legs, with a dooden roof, under a wooden tree......

No fires!

I will accept this only today and only because its -5C, everything is wet and covered with snow, and its still snowing.

Does look pretty though...


No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
But it would get rid of all the bits of paper and rubbish off my bedroom floor....

NO !

(Tempting...But still no.).


No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
Thank you for letting me borrow your stove - Cheers !


What do you mean "Let you borrow it...?"

Pigging kids....

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
I was wandering around in Tescos today, looking for fray bentos pies, when I found some 15 tog duvets.

Couldnt help wondering if they would make much better insulation than the wadding stuff Ive been using.

Its a lot thicker.

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
My biggest kid was over on the island learning how to sail a Wayfarer dinghy.

I had spent ages working with him but hadnt managed to teach him anything, so I sort of wished them luck.

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
It was a beautiful day.

I wanted to go boating.

Managed to convince little one to come with me.

We could go out to play and pick up biggest on the way through.

I gave the island a ring and asked them to leave him lurking on the beach and I would pick him up.

They were a bit surprised. I dont think many kids get picked up.


We took the boat to the slip and threw it together.

There was another man there we had seen before, wh actually spoke to us. Most dont. I think they worry in case they catch our brand of insanity.

He was sailing a boat with blue sails on his own.

He asked where we were going, and asked if he could sail with us.

Hadnt sailed with anyone else before. I was a lot nervous in case I managed to crash into him and poke a hole in his boat. I would be vrey careful.

He had his boat in the water in 10 seconds flat. He had been sailing circles for what looked like hours before I finally was ready 30 mins later.

We took off.

I dont know why, but the longer a boats hull is, the higher its hull speed. His was 14 foot long and mine was 18 ft long.

By my way of thinking, with his far superior skill in setting up his boat and pointing his sails just so, I shoulnt have been able to keep up.

As it happened, my longer hull made me faster.

Welll.... that was until each time we turned. Whe I turn, the boat virtually stops. His just seems to keep going at the same speed.

On the way accross the harbour, this gave me a huge advantage as we did it in two loooong tacks.

Not often that someone as fat as me ends up in front!


No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
When we reached the island, he wistfully said he hadnt sailed a boat like ours.

My biggest kid had managed to get lost, so while we waited for him to reappear, and as it was obvious our new friend was a very good sailor, I handed it over.

It was strange standing in the water holding his boat watching ours sail away...


No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
He sailed it up and down between Furzey and Brownsea Islands - where Little Idea pitchpoled his boat and ripped his sail.


I sort of hope it looks that pretty when I sail it.


No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
We spent some time discussing the boats, while my little one mad a sandcastle, and my biggest reappeared.

Turns out our friend was actually a captain who sails 50metre long boats for a living and sails this one for kicks at weekends.

He then said his boat would be a lot quicker if he had crew as he was too light.

My Little one volunteered as he hadnt been on that sort of boat before.


I ended up hanging off the side of our boat, steering it and holding the mainsheet tension with one hand while taking this shot with my mobile phone, which isnt waterproof with my other....


It was a pretty wild ride.
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No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
He was a lot faster than me at turning and made full advantage of it.

He would set off in one direction and stay on it until I romped past and made some groung on him,then he would turn and tear off in a different direction, leaving me going the other way. I would then turn, which would scrub off my speed, and then I would have to go after him again.

It was school yard chase, only in boats!

I loved it.

So did the kids.

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
We stopped at a beach next to a carpark with an ice cream van and some toilets - both were desperately needed.

I ended up with both kids back.

After the break we went back out to play.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.