I like Hammocks.

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
....cokes from the carpark...

Just then, the wind dropped.

No Idea how long it was going to last.

I was also too close to a groin to head West, so I pulled it round to the East - not where i wanted to go....

Jumped on and it stuck!

Boyfriend got some stick down, and we were off the beach.

I quickly turned hoping to make it before the wind picked up again.

Boyfriend was sort of looking at me like he knew there was something wrong....

The boat was leaning badly.

Please move over to the other side I almost sighed.

If you are on the same side of the boat as the sails, you can be reasonably certain, you have something wrong.

He moved across happily.

I carefully made it between all the boats and back tothe slip.

There was virtually no wind there.

How that was possible considering what it was like 300 yards away.....

I got the boat back on the trailer and dropped the mast.

actually, I did drop the mast.

It was ok, till he grabbed it to give me a hand and knocked it out of balance.

Nearly hit the car.

I need to fix the way its stepped.

Got back and met the wife and the kids.

He was really happy and told her what a nice time we had.

He told her we stopped at the park but didnt quite have enough time for any coke.

Im sort of waiting for the rest of it....

Where the boat was carreering along out of control and rocking violently to the degree where it was actually shipping water over the sides...

Or where we hit the rocks....

Or where we ended up crashing on the beach and the boat got him. Twice...

Or where we couldnt get it back off the beach and the sail fell to bits with all its flapping...

He had a nice time.

Sometimes, I with I was like that.

It might save me turning itnto a nervous wreck each time I do something really sillly.

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
By the time I got home, they had updated the weather forecast.

35mph winds from SSW with gusts to 40mph....

I dont know why, but I thought the Idea of a FORE cast was to tell you what was going to happen, not what has just happened.

Looks like I got it wrong again.

The boyfriend told the wife what a good sailor I am and asked if he could come out with me next time I went out...

I managed not to run off screaming.

The back of the boat was just scratched. It hadnt even cracked it.

I painted in the scratches after the kids said how proud they were of me for going out and not breaking it.

I sewed the sail a few days later when they were at school

Couldnt let on after they said they were proud.

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
Hi Raikey and V-Ness

This is what I did with the potato tin.

I drilled a hole in the side of it

Then I hammered it into my hobo stove

Then I lit a candle with my blowlamp as I havent any matches, or lighter and I havent worked out how to light one with a firesteel...

I shoved the candle in the hobo and waited to see what happened.

This is what happened.

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No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
It actually did what I thought it would so I was very happy, except with the fact that the chrome pipe turns out to be copper, which was what I was trying to avoid when I bought it, which could cause a problem.

I think.....

Maybe I need to think some more before I try the next step.

ex-member Raikey

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 4, 2010
It actually did what I thought it would so I was very happy, except with the fact that the chrome pipe turns out to be copper, which was what I was trying to avoid when I bought it, which could cause a problem.

I think.....

Maybe I need to think some more before I try the next step.

I can send you a legth of stainless steel food grade pipe the same diameter if you wish,..its about 8mm outside diameter, its what i make my mosiac pins out of.

tell me how long much you need, Pm me your address and i'll post it out to you,...

i would take pleasure in helping to progress one of your innovations!


No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010

Thank you Raikey!

Yes it was 8mm

Spent a fortnight trying to find some before I got the wrong stuff, simply so I could test the logic....

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010

I suppose guessing what that project is might keep you lot busy for a while...

Please remember to keep it clean ;)

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010

Just noticed that the potato tin thing is on the worktop but my hobo stove has gone walkies....

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
Hello Friend Robbi lol

Happy to oblige.

Hello Lee... Not going to admit what it is for the time being...

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
Just noticed my little one is missing too.

I have this feeling that if I find one I will find the other....

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
When my little one was 8 or nine years old, I couldnt think of anything sensible to get him for his birthday.

I really badly wanted a bike shed, but would have little left over if I bought the timber.


That was until I had a brainwave......

If I were to get him half a dozen or so sheets of that horrible exterior ply wood and some paint and some roof felt.....

He could build himself his own treeless treehouse, and I would get the bike shed free!

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
Hes want exactly thrilled when I kept him off school on his birthday to help me with some woodwork.

I showed him where to mark the 2x3's and stood over him frightened as he cut them with the jigsaw.

The same when he trimmed the lengths of ply to size.

We built the suspended floor and put the legs on and clad one end and the back before it clicked what we wee building.

When it did, I sang Happy Birthday to him.

He was sooo happy he burst out crying...That really scared me.

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
Getting the screws in was a bit of a nightmare as he just wasnt heavy enough to even hold the electric screwdriver without it twisting out of his grip.

Got there though.

I put the roof on with the help of the neighbours - not the ones that keep telling us the time..

Its 6 ft long, stands 4 ft clear of the ground, has 4 ft tall walls, and a pitched roof made of two more complete 8x4 ply sheets.

I suppose its fair to say its a nice size kids hut.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.