How sharp is your Knife?

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Hi Folks,

Just out of interest, we did a group buy earlier in the year where we got the Frost knives down to £6 was a big buy though...between us we had more than 25 knives...

pibbleb said:
Well guys, I've done it again!

'Ere, pib, you do know you're meant to hold the fat end, don't you :lmao:

My personal best is the cut on the tip of my left forefinger, done with an X-Acto modelling knife at the age of 11, IIRC.

It was along the top of the finger, tip to 1st knuckle, through the nailbed (in fact to the bone in places)

I was so worried about my parents' reaction that I washed and plastered it and just tried to keep stumm about it.

It was sorted in around a week (at least to the point where I could talk to my folks with no hands in my pockets :o )

Needless to say, I wouldn't recommend this approach, but it does show just what you can heal when you are young and non-smoking. These days I'm very careful as my tab habit means I heal too slowly.

Take care people (and as Bam said, carry a knife, carry a FAK)

hmm... i always keep my knife sharp enough to shave hair off my arm. Luckily now that the Clipper is my main knife, it ain't a hard thing to do :rolleyes:

Although I could really do with some decent band-aids... cut my thumb earlier while sharpening and the plaster keeps fillin up with blood... i gotta tell ya, rollin a cigarette with a plastic-coated thumb ain't easy...
Nemisis said:
My theory is that all mora's have a Viking blood lust curse placed on them during the forging as i've yet to meet anyone who's not drawn blood with one yet lol.

Me sir, me sir.
Mind, I've only had mine a week and it's already been trying, leapt for my thumb the day I got it, no, really, it did!

When I first, and proudly, took my Gransfor hatchet out to the woods I was VERY mindful to treat it with a great deal of respect and care. I used it first for a simple task of creating pegs, just for the hell of it. "Wow", I thought, "That's sharp".

And as I was putting the safety cover back on to the axe, you know, to keep me safe from the sharp edge.... I cut into my thumb!

The hatchet gave me a little kiss and got it's blood sacrifice.

I got to live up to my user name.
I like my knife to be as sharp as I can do - except for my James Barber banana knife which I keep blunt as I lean it against my finger which slicing.

I'm in the middle of putting a flat grind on my Wilkinson Sword today. The bevelled bit is slightly hollow ground at the factory and this combined with the knife having previously been sharpened on the edge only has made for a bit of a nightmare.

I've left it to one side a while as my thumbs are raw and bleeding a bit :rolleyes:

But the bevels are now flat from around three to four hours with a course waterstone. Later on I'll start again with the medium and then fine. How come Ray Mears had a mirror finish in about five minutes on the film :lmao:

I like my knives to be atom-splitting sharp! I think all my knives have had a little nick out of me at least, but I also got bitten by my GB SFA whilst putting the mask on it! Wierd!!

I got done big style last year when I was carving out the front of my flat and one of the twins from downstairs started talking at me in her screechy voice. I told her to dissapear because she would disstract me and it would end up messy for me. She started running around me in circles and I thought I could ignore her and just crack on, but it ended with me slipping and cutting along the index finger of my left hand from third to second knuckle along the side! She was lucky to make it home with her life, I tell you!!
I did the same with a mora but I ended up taking 1/3 of my finger tip off, luckily it was only flesh but now it has grown back I have a little lump on the flesh which is painful with any amount of pressure on it, it also makes playing guitar (one of my other hobbies) pretty painful. It doesn't help with my adventure sports either but this is life.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.