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……. and how are we going to remove our nail polish?
Darling, you need gel nails.
You can get all sorts of pretty things like kittens painted on to your nails,:cat2: and they use something else to get them off. Never been to a nail bar, so no idea what they use, but someone I know has theirs done regularly, and needs to go to the salon for special removal.
I'm not the girly type, so no idea realy, as my nails are always natural. But if you are desperate to paint your nails and get the stuff off before Monday morning at work, just thought I'd give you the heads up.

I'm so sorry, I just couldn't resist a little leg pull.:rolleyes2:
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i question that. i have just bought pure acetone this week
. I had the option of buying gallons

I am so glad someone else said this because we got a litre bottle delivered last month.
Himself has been 'into' electronics for over fifty years, and acetone and ipa are standard cleaning chemicals.

Now we need to ask for a licence ?? and pay £39.50 for them to decide yeah or nay ?

Not best pleased, tbh.
I admit I was wrong, with the name, that’s why I added the caveat, the SC was to reduce the typing and never the periodic table, the vitriolic character assignation was a bit uncalled for and if you’ve never made an error in life you are a lucky person.
NaCl is the chemical formula for common table salt, and Vitriol is H2SO4, I remember from my O level Chemistry, though not much else. They will be banning salt next though as it contains both an explosive and a deadly gas not to mention causing high blood pressure .
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I’m not sure about this issue at all.
I’ve done a poke around the internet using the argument [hexamine] and it seems to be generally available. I could only find a single response that suggested that it was illegal and that was here. I’m not suggesting anything untoward about the OP but I’d have expected someone to have mentioned it either as a user or a seller.

You stovies - is there anything on CCS about it that I haven’t seen?

Exactly the same was true of Acetone.

I’ve read the quoted legislation but I can’t find when it became law. Is there something that I don’t understand her or something that I /we have misinterpreted? I would have expected SOMEONE besides us to be upset. What about other outdoor sites and boards?
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I admit I was wrong, with the name, that’s why I added the caveat, the SC was to reduce the typing and never the periodic table, the vitriolic character assignation was a bit uncalled for and if you’ve never made an error in life you are a lucky person.
Apologies for any offence, it wasn't intended as a character assassination. I get annoyed occasionally on the forum with unqualified comment, such as people getting carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide mixed up and then proceeding to inform others that carbon monoxide is heavier than air etc, etc. It’s important when talking about deadly gases and poisons to be factual, just as there is a great deal of caution and caveats around the subject of fungi and edibility.

But, I’ve got a lot on and I’m tired, so in hindsight I’d have been better off not posting.
Apologies for any offence, it wasn't intended as a character assassination. I get annoyed occasionally on the forum with unqualified comment, such as people getting carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide mixed up and then proceeding to inform others that carbon monoxide is heavier than air etc, etc. It’s important when talking about deadly gases and poisons to be factual, just as there is a great deal of caution and caveats around the subject of fungi and edibility.

But, I’ve got a lot on and I’m tired, so in hindsight I’d have been better off not posting.
Apology accepted!
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There are whose study is of smells,
And too attentive schools rehearse,
How something mixed with something else,
Makes something worse.

R Kipling.
I’ve read the quoted legislation but I can’t find when it became law. Is there something that I don’t understand her or something that I /we have misinterpreted? I would have expected SOMEONE besides us to be upset. What about other outdoor sites and boards?
Did you read this part?

You can find the official legislation that added hexamine to the The Control of Poisons and Explosives Precursors Regulations 2023 below

It was signed into legislation by Tom Tugenhadt, Minister of State at 12.45 p.m. on 23rd January 2023
Offences relating to the acquisition, importation, supply, possession and use of the following substances are effective from 1 October 2023:

The national response is very odd. Both sellers and buyers seem to be ignoring it or to be totally unaware of it.

As others have said, I can buy hexamine in any quantity that I wish on eBay.
Biggest single consignment that I can find is 40 tabs but in a single order I can request 12 x 40 tablets today - nearly a month after the law became effective.

I think I am misunderstanding something..
Looking at the legislation, specifically paragraph 2, (9) b of the poisons act 1972, it states
9)For the purposes of this section, a substance or mixture is “excluded” if—

(a)it is medicinal, or

(b)it is contained in a specific object.

Section 11 defines a specific object is defined as:
11)A “specific object” is—

(a)an object that, during production, is given a special shape, surface or design that determines its function to a greater degree than does its chemical composition, or

(b)an article that contains explosive substances or an explosive mixture of substances designed to produce heat, light, sound, gas or smoke or a combination of such effects through self-sustained exothermic chemical reactions, including—

(i)pyrotechnic equipment falling within the scope of Council Directive 96/98/EC on marine equipment, and

(ii)percussion caps intended specifically for toys falling within the scope of Council Directive 88/378/EECconcerning the safety of toys.

a fuel tab could be construed as a specific object that produces heat through an exothermic reaction, so it might be excluded.

Link to legislation
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Mercury compounds but not elemental mercury (my stash is safe) ...
... Yellow phosphorus but not white

Worst of all a list of sulfides....sulfides. It is sulphide in English, English. Even my auto fill knows that if set to UK English. They couldn't even spell check it right
That’s probably because the idiots coming up with these policies/laws are young people straight out of university, no life experiences, heavily influenced by American policies/ideas working as a think tank for the government. It’s bl**dy atrocious. I just despair of our country at the moment, I honestly think there’s no hope!
Back to the spelling, no one seems to know the correct usage of grammar nowadays, even BBC news readers commit howlers: “he was sat” instead of the correct “he was sitting”……..and the list goes on.
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Sodium chloride (I think that’s the right name, correct me if wrong), one of the best weed killers, was for sale incredibly cheap to buy. Withdrawn in case terrorists make bombs with it, about 8-10 years ago, yet all during the troubles in Northern Ireland, IRA choice of ingredient for their bombs was SC. Now you have to buy bottles of round up or similar for about ten to fifteen times the price, I sometimes think it’s not for our safety but big companies personal gain.
i’ll had my victor moment and get my coat!!!!!
Sodium chlorate, oh, the fun we had as children with that and a common household chemical/substance in copper tubes! :) A rather different world back then. I’m pretty sure you can still buy potassium nitrate which serves a similar purpose, it’s the oxygen in it that gives it its nefarious qualities.
Oh dear, got to the end of the thread and it’s all been covered, 5 miles behind as usual!:frown:
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