Hello there, I'm new to Bushcrafting and could someone help me.

Hey, my name is Ferdinand Keller, I am 16 and a half years old and live in East Sussex.

I am a complete newcomer to bushcrafting and have never really done anything in it. I am an aspiring falconer, and I am being mentored in that by a nice fellow. I love the outdoors, and I am always happier outside than inside.

I am planning on studying Zoology in university since I love animals and I love studying them and their behaviour.

I'd like some nice fellows on here to help me get started in Bushcrafting. If any of you have MSN Instant Messenger, I have it too and would love to get in contact with you so I can ask you many questions and stuff.

If anyone could give me some good pointers in the right direction, i'd really appreciate it.

Thank you very much,


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Y'know I envy you sooo much. You have your whole life ahead of you to follow a lifestyle that I've only just found again after a long break from it.

As for starters I would suggest you work your way through the threads here and absorb the info.

Hope you find that mentor in Bushcraft too.

Wishing you all the best.

Y'know I envy you sooo much. You have your whole life ahead of you to follow a lifestyle that I've only just found again after a long break from it.

As for starters I would suggest you work your way through the threads here and absorb the info.

Hope you find that mentor in Bushcraft too.

Wishing you all the best.


Yeah I'd love to find a mentor that I could go to every weekend like I do in Falconry. East Sussex / Kent area would be great if anyone out there :)

Don't envy me too much, I'm still trapped in college which is BORING :)

Anyway thanks for the well wishes and look forward to telling you how it goes


Ophiological Genius
Sep 3, 2004
There's bound to be loads of folks in your area. We also have area meets you can go too and chill out with friends around the campfire.

What raised your interest in bushcraft? With your love and knowledge of animals, you are already doing it though.
There's bound to be loads of folks in your area. We also have area meets you can go too and chill out with friends around the campfire.

What raised your interest in bushcraft? With your love and knowledge of animals, you are already doing it though.

Chilling around a campfire, ah wonderful, one of my all time favorite activities.

My interest just increased with wanting to be have the ability to survive in the wilderness for a lengthy period of time, my lifetime ambition is to go to the Amazon Rainforest, and stay there for a lengthy period of time, and bushcraft is all about being outside, something that I enjoy.

My knowledge of animals has come from my own knowledge and studys and Wikipedia LOL, my love for animals is just ∞.
Dec 22, 2009
dorking, surrey
welcome to bcuk
be very patient and remember that there are bad and annoying times in bushcraft, but the good times always overule them.

what are thinking about doing first, craft, wild food, wild camping etc


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 6, 2008
South Queensferry
Eff, kellar!! (??)

Ish theesh a wind up?

If it eez - ye hav bin rumb'lled!!!

If it ezz nat? - Den I most pay penons...

My seester, she is 4th best pros...

Aye, ye get ma drift.

Eff, kellar!! (??)

Ish theesh a wind up?

If it eez - ye hav bin rumb'lled!!!

If it ezz nat? - Den I most pay penons...

My seester, she is 4th best pros...

Aye, ye get ma drift.


Um, no I don't get your drift I'm afraid, I don't understand.

It's not a wind-up, I really am interested in Bushcraft.

What are penons, and something about your sister?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 6, 2008
South Queensferry
Eff, kellar!! (??)

Ish theesh a wind up?

If it eez - ye hav bin rumb'lled!!!

If it ezz nat? - Den I most pay penons...

My seester, she is 4th best pros...

Aye, ye get ma drift.


Um, no I don't get your drift I'm afraid, I don't understand.

It's not a wind-up, I really am interested in Bushcraft.

What are penons, and something about your sister?

i must apologise, it's jut my sense of humour.

Effkellar reminds me of another (one or two) language(s) - efkaristo/parakailo etc.

"My sister" is a reference to sasha baron cohen's "borat" movie.

Welcome to the forum. :D

No offence intended friend,


Everything Mac

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 30, 2009
welcome to the forum mate.

Depends what you want to know really - I suggest you start by reading a lot of the stuff on this forum. - watching Ray Mears on youtube and if you are anything like the rest of us you learn by doing so get out there for a few hours at a time and play.

there isn't anything that hasn't been asked before so use the search function too.

don't worry about buying any kit for now. - what do you already have?

I would that learning to use a knife should be a high priority - then go from there.



Thanks for the link, yeah I have a few hunting knifes that I use to dispatch prey when doing Falconry so yeah, I'll watch some video on the YT and check out my local library for anything.

I'll also check out a special site that I know ;) that I can get anything to do with movies or books for free so i'll check there to.

Thanks mate
Mar 29, 2010
I'll also check out a special site that I know ;) that I can get anything to do with movies or books for free so i'll check there to.

Welcome to the site mate. I'm 17 years old, just started as well, am from Kent, so would be cool if you found some local stuff, let me know.
Would also like to know this website you know, as a teenager, a website with free movie/books available would be a gift ;)
Welcome to the site mate. I'm 17 years old, just started as well, am from Kent, so would be cool if you found some local stuff, let me know.
Would also like to know this website you know, as a teenager, a website with free movie/books available would be a gift ;)

Thanks for the warm welcome, nice to hear that you are from Kent.

I will PM you the site


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.