Has BCUK changed for you ..............


Feb 12, 2015
Western Norway
I hate it when someone says to use the search function to answer a question. It's a forum to speak and if no one has anything constructive to say then don't say owt IMO!

I'm always trying to think of new ideas to post, very often the ideas are not new but it gives people ideas to try stuff themselves? The posts of trying things and failing are good as well, it's the best way to learn often!

I often think of the people who can't get out and do things for whatever reason benefit from people posting and adding pictures? I know when I can not get out I enjoy looking at what other people have been up to....pics always help!

The best forum I go on,very chilled,great members.I personally don't want anything more!Ive had since I joined some periods where I fell out of love with all things bushy but BCUK is always there to come back too.

Long live BCUK:)

Hear, hear!


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
I've been here ten years now, still under a quarter of my life but a fairly long time. When I look at the person I was ten years ago though I'd like to think I was an OK chap I'm glad I've become what I've become instead of staying the same. (Well apart from fitness and waistline:rolleyes:).

BCUK has changed, I'd say for the better personally. Its evolved and grown up. Still think it's the best out there by a long chalk. There is a good library of stored information, but it's good that folk keep asking the same questions as things evolve and move on. Would I like my skill set and gear to be the same as a decade ago? Not really as both are now such that I'm much more comfortable in the outdoors. And that's from someone who lived and worked outdoors all his life.

There's also folk like the indomitable Mr Fenna who I've been reading things from for about thirty years now, and British Red who's amazing articles I finished a while back that had been collected into a great Kindle book. And we have these folk here on tap seven days a week amid a plethora of other experts. I've yet to see a question stump the hive BCUK mind in the ten years I've been making it my home. Sometimes answered in swathes before the OP's virtual ink has dried.

Yes there's a lot of new bits on the forums that are purely for interest, but it's fun hanging out with folk who mentally stimulate you. I've learned a lot about life, the universe and everything here... not just Bushcraft. And I hope that I've been able to pass on nuggets to others that they'll find useful.


White bear (Admin)
Apr 16, 2003
Well said Goatboy.

I think that a good development would be to have more things that people make shared on here, more trip reports, more made kit, more how to's so that others are encouraged to give it a go, if we need to create new areas for that we will, first though we'd need people willing to put up that sort of content...


Dec 7, 2003
West Sussex
Life is change and hopefully we have all grown since the birth of BCUK. I know my interests have changed during that time. I'm more passionate about expedition skills and adventurous wilderness travel now. I also love to carve and have enjoyed making 100's of primitive bows. I try to answer questions when I have an answer that may prove useful. When I am learning new skills the one response I do not want " is use the search function"

BCUK will continue to evolve and adapt to the needs of the users. Thats what makes it such a good community. Members come and go but the community lives on.


Full Member
Oct 15, 2008
South east Scotland.
I miss the big epic out and about posts like Shewie's coast to coast, and up North canoe trips and without creeping to the original poster, your Norway trips Cliff, i used to spend most of my time looking at them on Bcuk a few years ago, to me there doesnt seem to be those type of trip being posted as often,i miss them even more now as im not able to get out the same myself.


Bushcrafter through and through
Nov 16, 2008
West Midland
All good positive stuff ....

A member of staff at work asked me about information that would help setting up a forest school with basic skills etc the problem I would have with using BCUK is all the basic information and theres loads of good stuff on here but its so hard to find with out loads of threads that over complicate some of the basic skills ,,after all some threads can make basic hands on skills sound like a trial by fire

Can we have an area where the basics ..Shelter, Fire, water , food , navigation , basic kit , Expedition planning , threads cans be placed and locked maybe updated every now and then by the mods as needed ?

There are loads of classic threads from the past that could be used for this making a good intro to Bushcraft/camping/hiking whatever you want to call it .

The same could be done with other things , knife safety, axe safety , fire safety, camp food prep , loads really as we know it covers so much but " the bare necessities
The simple bare necessities " need to be seen by someone starting out in this fine hobby

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Silver Trader
Mar 20, 2009
The Countryside
I hate it when someone says to use the search function to answer a question. It's a forum to speak and if no one has anything constructive to say then don't say owt IMO!

I'm always trying to think of new ideas to post, very often the ideas are not new but it gives people ideas to try stuff themselves? The posts of trying things and failing are good as well, it's the best way to learn often!

I often think of the people who can't get out and do things for whatever reason benefit from people posting and adding pictures? I know when I can not get out I enjoy looking at what other people have been up to....pics always help!

I agree with all the above and I will add I have leant loads here and I am very greatful!

Big Si

Full Member
Dec 27, 2005
I not only learnt from threads on here but also from the people I've been able to meet through this forum. They have been (By en large) a well gifted and humorous lot, giving lots and asking for very little in return. I always try to follow there generous and altruistic example.



Full Member
Aug 4, 2013
It's probably worth considering the impact Youtube has had on this as well. It's possible to learn a skill or technique by reading a book or reading threads on a forum. But now you can goto youtube, and find lots of videos giving you really clear instructions on so many things. It means that many of us don't have to ask on here or hunt for old threads on many subjects.



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