What should or shouldn't have happened is pretty irrelevant. It's what DID happen we should be thinking about.
Come on, all of you who are defending him by saying he had a legitimate reason for carrying it (ie. he was going to work). The man was going to court. Was he in his work clothes? Presumably not. So presumably he was going to change after being in court...I think you can see where I am going.
It's not about a lack of common sense. It's about sensibilities changing. None of us are in risk of falling foul of the law by doing what we do - so let's not keep rattling our sabres and working ourselves up about the state of the country. Attitudes change. We are no longer cavemen who drag women around by their hair (at least, not literally) - are you suggesting we go back to that golden age? OK, a flippant example, but you can see my general point.
Right, here's my example of being caught with a knife. It was only about two years ago. I was leading a group of students on a trip to Windsor Castle (really disappointing, if you haven't been. I can see only so many Regency period dinner services and stay interested. Mind you, St George's chapel was fantastic). To get into the castle you have to put your bag through a scanner. 'There's a knife in that bag!' said the guard, pointing at my bag. This rather caught me out, because I didn't know there was a knife in my bag. Then the penny dropped.'Oh,' I said. 'That's not a knife, it's a wine bottle opener.' And I took it out of my bag and showed them. 'That's OK,' they said (despite the fact that it does have a 2" (unlockable) blade on it, which could still cause a lot of damage to either a human body or an expensive piece of art) and they let me keep it!
The Police and law aren't idiots. The man was in a court and he could have attacked someone. It's been done before. They don't know who he is or his history. So they did the right thing. Likewise, they would never have stopped him in his normal course of life. Unlike a group of likely looking yobs. Equally, the police will not bother a camper in the middle of the woods. So stop bleating and making out the world's gone topsy-turvy. Mr Read did something stupid, he recognises it and the law did exactly what it should've done. The new purge on knives is not to cause problems for the likes of you and me, and the Police and officials know that. And that's why people using knives in a responsible manner, in an acceptable situation have no fear of persecution.
Whether it was force of habit, or just plain stupidity on Mr Read's part is irrelevant - because no amount of debate changes the fact that he should not have been carrying the knife into a court. Easy as that.