Fort williams

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It gets even better:
Before we moved across the Atlantic, I wanted to do a proper road trip in Scandinavia.
Had a Defender modified by Special Vehicled (Landrover people) and by another famous UK company. The works.
They stayed ONE night in it, my son and wife, then refused to sleep in it more. Scandinavian Mozzies and Gnats the size of B-52's . Had to sleep in cabins after that.

I guess I have been too soft on my family!

Haha. Legend. She's done DoE in the lake district etc, but somehow has convinced herself it's the same thing. I think it's more that she is just hoping I'm naive enough to let her persuade me that London is perfectly accommodating for the country bumpkins. Last time we went camping though, in Amsterdam next to the water, at the end of November, I near froze to death. Somebody though a sleeping bag was surplus to requirements. Being the gentleman I am, I gave her mine and slept under a wool blanket. Didn't help that she had had emergency surgery the day before we left, so couldnt warm ourselves up.. I'll be giving her a strict checklist next time.
hughlle1: don't forget a lemon for the fish.

I opted to save space and just buy a bottle of "lemon juice". Nasty stuff, but just about does the job. I'm considering taking along a q-tec smoke generator and having a go at cold smoking.

That's assuming I can catch anything haha. Not even taking a net. Such optimism... If I find I need one I plan to try making one. Taking a bunch of these along, so cordage will never be an issue.

I'd still enjoy the aroma and finesse of using a genuine lemon. I'm hoping for your every success.

How many sherpas have you hired to carry the load?

Net knots are really tedious so take the needles and heddle.
Actually, black tarred #18 nylon salmon seine line from here is about 1,000'/lb and it practically disappears with any amount of net making.
About as much fun as watching paint dry. I worked for The Fisheries Research Board of Canada as a professional fisheman.
Mending nets was agony. Splicing rope was the top of the spectrum, especially on the drag with a trawl.
I'm surprised how light the load is tbh. Tempts me to try rigging the tent onto the bag and keep both hammock and tent with me at all times.

I have done such weave before and I find it therapeutic when there is no time/cost constraints. Anything done under pressure can be hell. The majority of my love for bushcraft is that in this day and age, for the majority of us bushcraft is utterly obsolete, but we love it anyway because it's a slower pace of life. Things take longer, but they feel more genuine. But the manner in which I plan to fish, it will just be a case of dragging them up the shore out of the water. I've opted for 20lb line, so should handle the job... He said from a position of utter ignorance :)
20 lb line is strong enough for close shore fishing, unless you hook a rock, a mussel or sea weed.

I prefer Lime with my fish.

Btw, what knife will you take?

A rock sounds about right. It's why I just received a cheap but well reviewed 30 spinner pack. I just like the idea if giving something a go and well, ignore technology and have a laugh pretending I'm primitive man.

And the knife.. I'm torn. I have my TBS boar which had a sheath which can hold both stone and a fire steel, and is a designated "beater. But at the same time I've both a bison bushcraft and BK knives double knife which I realy want to take, but lack the convenience of the other sheath.
I never had much luck using spinners. Baited hook, float.
The fish I have cought along the European coasts, from the Med all the way to Nordkapp, are maybe up to 200 grams. Mostly smaller!
Bait when you want food. Nothing esoteric about food fishing.
Fish don't pull 20% of their live weight. 20# is plenty.
If you jerk spinners to get more flash, maybe get more fish.

It is a legal requirement to have a rod licence if you fish fresh water within England, Wales and the Border Esk area of Scotland.

You also have to have landowners permission if fishing on private land.

It is also illegal to remove fish without written permission from the landowner.

For the rest of Scotland you don't need a rod licence but you do need landowners written permission to take fish.

Rod Licence requirements on GOV.UK

Correct Sir,

Having lived and fished in Scotland most of my life, I have yet to find any water (both river and loch) that is free to fish.

All are either owned by private landowners or angling clubs and/or associations.

Taking migratory fish (salmon/sea trout) from rivers or lochs without permission is not only illegal, but could carry a possible jail sentence.

Most of the waters here are well policed by bailiffs, and quite rightly so, as the law applies to everybody, ignorant bushcrafters included.


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Well plans might be changing. Currently sat just above Buttermere in the lake district. Been here for 5 days, while 2 of them have been spent wild camping without issue, I'm just a bit too anxious about the car to enjoy it (it's my mum's car which is due to be sold once I return, and leaving it in lay by or Nat trust car park overnight is not the safest thing in the world, or at least in my head it isn't. Can't really afford to repay them should the worst happen. So I've opted for a quiet wild-ish campsite surrounded by peaks and more sheep than a Welsh man knows what to do with other than bleat at them like a prize plum. Very pleasant, and just turned it into a hiking holiday covering about 20 miles a day. The weather in Fort William looks rather unpleasant, and being this is a holiday not a survival test, I am tempted to backtrack and head to Snowdonia for a week. Either way im having a fantastic time, so nice to be out of London, and once past Windermere, it's just so nice to talk to people who actually want to talk back.

Anyway, quick pic from yesterday on my ascent to Grizedale pike. Too windy to open my eyes properly. Not a bad effort for someone sat behind a screen for the past 3 years though and having done pretty much zero exercise or eaten healthily, and still wearing my leather rogues in (thanks whoever made the thread about 2 pairs of socks, works a treat, feet feel good as new)

Tilly just about hanging in there.

The joy of not setting plans in stone is you can change them as you please :)
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I am happy you made the change to your plans. I am sure you will get just as much joy from your current plan, if not more!
Yes, being responsible for somebody elses property is not fun.

A beautiful area you are in!
Lovely Photo', I need to try the same sort of thing. Can't fish for food as I'm allergic (In a colourful way) to eating fish! Interested to know the site you're at as I'm within 40 miles of the area and any info' is useful.
Enjoy and post.
Awesome stuff, more photos if you can manage it :) looks like it's been fairly dry. Dry and overcast my favourite weather for walking.
Overcast, but around 20, so some sweaty going. Rain has finally started to kick in which is good in a way because it's helping empty the camp site. Going to head down to Cheshire tomorrow to a wild camp spot I stayed at on the way up and then spend a day or two in the peak district (weather depending) before heading to snowdon where apparently the weather should be very good. Given I'm missing out on sea loch fishing it might buy a short term rod license and have a go off the rocks on the west coast. Will post up some pictures later on when I have good Internet, although may wait until I'm home as I've been keeping a journal but can't be bothered with getting that all out on a touch screen keyboard.

This is where I spend a couple of hours walking each morning to wake myself up. Either crummock water or a short loop around Buttermere lake.


And here is my first spot in the lakes. Alas a huge proportion of the lakes is either boggy and/or bracken so have been a lot of midges, and skin so soft seems to do nothing for me, and also ticks. I've been as careful as I can, but found one on my inner thigh the other night. No idea how it got there as wear long trousers at all times. Nipped it in the bud early but fingers crossed!

Sashimi true Japanese style!

I will try limpets au naturel when I go to Norway in 6 weeks, thank you for the idea!

edit: Will bring a few Limes from my garden to increase the pleasure!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.