Everyone's got to learn at some point. There's a few of us more mature folk who learnt by trial and error, before the days of the Internet.
Mobile phone signals can be patchy, register for the Emergency SMS.........http://www.emergencysms.org.uk/registering_your_mobile_phone.php
Not just for yourself, you never know you may need it to help someone else!
No map = no wandering off into the far wilds or mountains, the weather can change very dramatically and very suddenly, people can die of hypothermia even in summer.
Keep hydrated, it can also get very hot, heat exhaustion/sunstroke can get you as well.
Scoman's right about the midge, head net at the least or pick yourself up a Beatons midge jacket, just over £20 will be money well spent, they are in Inveraray.
Keep your brain in gear, stay safe, have fun and enjoy yourself.
The only thing I could add to this sound advice is that given that the OP has alluded to some mental health issues and clearly doesn't take kindly to being told how to live his life, he should take some time to consider and perhaps rehearse how he will deal with a scenario in which someone (possibly an armed gamekeeper or farmer) profers some advice regarding his plans based on local experience and/or requests that he relocates his camp from their land.
Getting irritated with people on an Internet forum who disagree with you is one thing but kicking off with comments like "You have no idea who I am or what I am capable of", in the real world can end badly.

Good luck and stay safe - or not if you prefer!