Do you have the wild strawberries ?
They do grow wild here along the burn side, but I let them ramble through my garden underneath the roses too. John Fenna says they 'infest' his potato bed, so I'm a little reluctant to offer to post you a few roots if you don't have them.
Anyway, they set runners, lots and lots of runners. They pull out easily I find, but instead of composting them all I just gather up the leaves. They dry easily, but fresh or dried they make a gentle tea
From my big fruit strawberries I just pick half a dozen leaves and use those for my little teapot. I refill it so I get another infusion from the brew.
I like the idea of adding mint to this one too.
Drying leaves like these is pretty simple I find. I bought the net vegetable bags from Lidl's, the ones you re-use instead of using polythene bags for tomatoes, etc.,
I just put leaves in the bags and pin them out on the washing line. They dry in a day of gentle wind. Just give them a shake every so often.
They'll also dry like that in the house. A little slower, but they dry fine.
They do grow wild here along the burn side, but I let them ramble through my garden underneath the roses too. John Fenna says they 'infest' his potato bed, so I'm a little reluctant to offer to post you a few roots if you don't have them.
Anyway, they set runners, lots and lots of runners. They pull out easily I find, but instead of composting them all I just gather up the leaves. They dry easily, but fresh or dried they make a gentle tea

From my big fruit strawberries I just pick half a dozen leaves and use those for my little teapot. I refill it so I get another infusion from the brew.
I like the idea of adding mint to this one too.
Drying leaves like these is pretty simple I find. I bought the net vegetable bags from Lidl's, the ones you re-use instead of using polythene bags for tomatoes, etc.,
I just put leaves in the bags and pin them out on the washing line. They dry in a day of gentle wind. Just give them a shake every so often.
They'll also dry like that in the house. A little slower, but they dry fine.