Firesteel Blank Group buy

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
I'm hoping to receive these tomorrow (Tue 26 Feb) and have all the envelopes addressed and ready to post out.

I've sent a payment reminder PM to Greg and mjk123 but not had a reply. If anyone knows them personally, could I ask you to give them a gentle nudge for me?

Interest in the third batch seems to have have been slower than the first two but I'll leave it open for another couple of weeks. Maybe once people have had their February salary... :)
Payments all now in - thanks. (No apologies needed guys :) )

Just waiting for the steels to arrive and will let you all know when they have been sent out.
Update: Wed 27 Feb

I've just had confirmation that the steels have been sent to me today. Firesteelcam has been a total star :You_Rock_ and has done all the hard work of bagging the steels in 5s so I should be posting these out to you all tomorrow (Thu 28)
Not had them yet - sorry :(

Hope to have them tomorrow :)

Also - I've not had a single person disagree with BCUK as the recipient of surplus funds. Unless I hear otherwise Tony will be getting a PM asking for his postal address and who to make the cheque payable to :)
can you up my request to 15 please! :o :D (there may be some more soon as well:rolleyes: )
Cheers Sparkplug :You_Rock_

My 5 arrived just a short while ago.

Thanks for the letter. Nice touch.

I have seasoned some Hazel that has had Honeysuckle twsted around it to make up a couple of handles.

Cheers mate and thanks for a speedy group buy.

hi Sparkplug,
A big thankyou for getting this group buy for us all. My firesteels arrived this morning, Saturday 1st March.
:banghead: have I missed the boat or have you 5 that i can buy?

You haven't missed the boat - I'm running a third batch and have added your name to the list. Will let you have payment details when we know it's definitely a goer - but at the moment there's only 10 left to be spoken for so it's looking good :)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.