Firesteel Blank Group buy

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
Can I add further to my order please Spark?:o (told you there may be more.......:sulkoff: )

Unless someone else wants a batch i'll close up the order if you like :D

:eek: - just realsied that will be 25! - thats ok though - 10 are already spoken for :D

cheers mate
are there any left, or am i too late?


Hi FTAG, from g4ghb's post above "Unless someone else wants a batch i'll close up the order if you like" it seems there may still be a chance at 5.

Could you decide among yourselves who has what and let me know please?

Apologies to anyone else who may have wanted these, but that's the end of this Group buy.
Firesteels have arrived today. Thanks again to firesteelcam for his help in packaging and for generally being a great person to deal with.

I've sent reminders via PM regarding outstanding payments and will wait until Tuesday 18th to receive them. If no payment is received by then (or other arrangements made) I will offer the unpaid items up to other members.

I'm sorry if that sounds harsh - but I don't want to end up making several trips to the post office and it seems unfair to those who have already paid to make them wait for those who haven't. I also don't really want to spend time and effort chasing up payment.

*edit* I've not had any reply from Newbie woodworm despite several PMs - I'm really sorry NW but I need to close this group buy and move on so I'm offering the firesteels up for sale. I hope you understand it's nothing personal - I just don't have time to chase around. Of course if anyone knows NW personally and can call him/her for me that would be great...
Mine arrived too - sorry for the delay in notifiying you - I have been away for the weekend...

Thanks again for your efforts in this group buy mate! - I know the work it can be! :You_Rock_
Well that's the last of them sent off yesterday.

I'd like to thank all of you for your support and encouragement on this group buy. You all made it so easy that I might well run another this time next year...

A special thank you to Newbie Woodworm who was kind enough to get in touch and was very understanding about having missed out. You'll be top of the list on the next group buy.

My apologies to those who have missed out - there's not quite enough interest to run a fourth batch. Sorry!

And finally - now that all the costs are in I can tell you that the fundraising total came to:
[size=+1]£77.55 [/size]

As agreed these funds will go back into the community and a cheque is on its way to Tony today.

Thanks again to all involved - and happy sparking. :)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.