Fenna and Facebook

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John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
OK - yes I am on Facebook
Facebook and Fenna are not compatible.
I was forced to go on and do not like it much.
I am Billy-No - Mates ... I do not accept Friend Requests.
If you have tried to Friend me on FB and I have not accepted your request, do not feel slighted, rather enjoy the Kudos of being in the "In Crowd" of folk I have not accepted as FB Friends.
I will still be your friend here and in real life.
If you want to send me clips/photos/insults then post them here, or ( if private) PM them to me.
I am interested, I am not spurning you, I want to be your friend.
Just not on Facebook!
I congratulate you Sir!
Real friendships , not Facebook ...
Too many people just collect pictures like trophies...
Most of people I speak to , wish they never opened a page...

I agree that in some instances , its a tool , useful to keep in touch and communicate with long distance relations and friends, and also to buy , sell, trade in the community.
And even to spread word of something happening immediately .
I accept all those points as valid ones , but I personally find it repulsive , and each to their own , but ive never had a Facebook page and never will.
This forum and just another forum are the only social media I've ever used and I intend to keep it that way too...

I have enough friends , actually pretty lucky and grateful for having lots of really good friends !

So , well done to you for being honest and firm in your convictions despite having a page...
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Well John i'm sorry to say but you've just gotten yourself banned from the list of real people i interact with on the internet, now you're a Facebooker you're out of the club .... that you never opted to be in ... or was aware even existed :rolleyes:
its still the ubiquitous form, ive had people say " why didnt you reply to my whatsapp/facebook etc" too many different systems
i use viber with my other half and father, email for rest of world, txt messages to people with dumbphones

Yeah the Txt messages seem to be what supplanted e-mail the most with the other social media being second. Most people I know rarely even check their e-mails anymore unless expecting something because of the overwhelming spam (Hard to believe but it's worse than Facebook)
Yeah the Txt messages seem to be what supplanted e-mail the most with the other social media being second. Most people I know rarely even check their e-mails anymore unless expecting something because of the overwhelming spam (Hard to believe but it's worse than Facebook)

I have been working as a network engineer for the past 20 years and I still don't have a Facebook account, likely because I have been in IT so long that i don't have or want one :)

Folk are amazed that i don't partake, I get the same look when I tel them I don't do football either.
Oh, Mr Fenna, and here I was thinking you was one of the Cool guys.

I refuse to have anything to do with social media...But then I am a Tengu...


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