I think one of the more worrying things about China and it's population problems was it's bias towards preferring male children. There's a swath of male children at or coming up to marraigable age (we're talking millions here) that in all reality are never going to be able to find a partner. What are they going to do? They could move; but where? There aren't a huge amount of surplus women anywhere. I doubt you'lk talk them all into same sex relationships? Encourage polygamy? Channel their their energies into into something else? Mabey a large army for hire?
Sorry just spitballing as it's upsets in social orders like that that worry me.
Sent via smoke-signal from a woodland in Scotland.
Ma as well GB. But those are more moral issues than practical ones. At least in comparison with the ratio of working age to those at or near retirement age. I've only read one article on it and that was about a year or so ago.